AdHoc PRC - Annual Report - 2021-2022

Library Governance – Ad Hoc Committee to Review PRC Final Report 

Fiscal Year: 2021-2022 

Committee Name: Ad Hoc Committee to Review PRC  

Committee Chair:  Mary Raple, Angie Rathmel – co-chairs 

Members (with terms):   

Scott Cossell 

Fran Devlin 

Sunita Gandhi 

Mary Raple 

Angie Rathmel 


Standing Charges:

[copy/paste from

LFSA appointed an Ad Hoc Committee to review the standing charges* of the Planning & Resources Committee (PRC), with the following specific scope and outcomes:    


  1. Solicit feedback from faculty and staff regarding the current budget planning processes and the effect of any identified priorities in resource distribution on staff and faculty, with particular attention across functional dependencies, which may not be adequately reported through solely administrative channels.  

  1. Assess the history and current status of the PRC committee (initially provided by LFSA exec) and how the processes involved in executing its charges compare/contrast to processes of university governance on matters of budget.  

  1. Attend and represent governance concerns to Libraries’ Cabinet budget meetings. Suggest structural ways (in addition or alternative to Cabinet representation) to improve internal communication and input in matters of budget decision-making.   

  1. Provide report to LFSA-Exec for distribution and discuss at its General Meeting(s) that serve to inform the Assembly’s general discussion and any potential move to action.  This may include recommendations for revision to PRC status and/or its standing charges.  



Standing Charges Progress/Accomplishment Summary: 

The committee met X times and prepared the following recommendations for Code Change to move PRC out of hiatus.  


Special Charges: 


Special Charges Progress/Accomplishment Summary: 


Other Activities or Accomplishments:  



Potential Charges for Future Committees/Recommendations: 

Recommend continuing ad hoc committee and charges in FY22 


Please review the Committee’s portion of the Library Governance website and the Code.  Does it need updating/correcting? 



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