Nominating and Ballot - Annual Report - 2020-2021
LFSA Committee Final Report
Committee Name:
Nominating and Ballot
Committee Chair:
Sunita Gandhi
Members (with terms):
Sunita Gandhi (FY20-FY21); Jim Richey (FY21-FY22); Lars Leon (secretary, FY21 only. He won’t be serving second year of his two year appointed term in FY22 due to election to LCPT)
Fiscal Year: 2020-2021
Standing Charges (lines 621-628)
∙ Issues the call for nominations, recruits candidates for elections, and contacts nominees to verify their willingness to serve
∙ Provides a slate of candidates for the officers (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect and Secretary) of LFA and LSA and for standing committees with elected membership, in sufficient time for elections to take place no later than May 15
∙ Assembles all ballots, tabulates, and reports the results to the respective LFA and LSA Executive Committees within one week
Standing Charges Progress Summary:
We distributed two ballots.
1. LSA General Election Ballot 2021. This ballot was distributed via Qualtrics and took place May 6 to May 19. New LSA officers were elected for their respective terms as indicated below.
Ballot return rate: LSA 56 of 93 (60%)
LSA Exec (to join Chair Mary Raple)
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Julie Woodrick
Secretary: Greta Valentine
LSA Members-At-Large (3 positions): Marianne Reed, Christopher Banuelos, Dyamond Hutton.
Those not elected to Members-At-Large but we appreciate their standing for election: Samantha Simmons, Justin Sextro, Lisa Stewart
2. LFA General Election Ballot 2021. This ballot was distributed via Qualtrics and took place May 6 to May 19. New LFA officers were elected for their respective terms as indicated below.
Ballot return rate: LFA 34 of 44 (77%)
LFA Exec (to join Chair Angie Rathmel)
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Scott McEathron
Secretary: Sara Morris
Assistant Librarian: Erin Wolfe
Associate Librarian: Deborah Dandridge
Librarian: Lea Currie
SLPTR (3 positions): Michiko Ito, Jon Giullian, Tami Albin
Note: Tami Albin just finished a term on SLPTR in FY21. She was willing to stand for election again. N&B checked with LFSA Exec who approved her being able to stand again for election.
LCPT (3 positions): Brian Rosenblum, Josh Bolick, Lars Leon
Due to Lars Leon’s election to LCPT he is stepping down from the second year of his two-year term to Nominating & Ballot but available to help as needed.
Special Charges:
Special Charges Progress Summary:
Progress on Previous Year’s Recommendations:
Other Activities or Accomplishments:
We verified how many and what type of members are needed to volunteer for appointed LFSA committees and passed this information to LSA/LFA Exec Chairs and Vice Chairs.
We had reviewed the Nominating and Ballot Committee website language before seeing the revised form that withdraw that request. We’re submitting our suggestion in case you can still use it.
The Nominating and Ballot Committee shall provide a slate of candidates for vice chairperson (chairperson-elect), secretary and Members-at-large of Library Faculty and Staff Assembly (LFSA); and members of elective standing committees, in sufficient time for elections to take place in May to meet deadline established in our Code. The Nominating and Ballot Committee shall also assemble all LFSA ballots, and tabulate and report the results to the Executive Committee
In order to save future staff time, especially the Nominating and Ballot Committee, LFSA Exec should:
1) Require committees to review their membership and respective terms at their first meeting of the year. This information should be included in their first meeting notes. 2) Insure the LFSA website has accurate membership information including terms of members (e.g. Jane Doe FY21-FY22). Work with the LFSA webmaster to establish a regular practice for this.
3) When we have special elections and/or when LFA/LFSA/LSA Execs make appointments during the year be clear with the appointee, and committee on what is the term(s) of those elected or appointed. Make sure these new members and terms are noted and updated on the LFSA website (e.g. Jane Doe appointed to complete 2nd year of a two year term ending with FY22).
Potential Charges for Future Committees:
Prepared By:
Nominating and Ballot Committee