LSA Exec - Minutes - August 16, 2021
August 16, 2021
Mary Raple
Dyamond Hutton
Marianne Reed
Greta Valentine
Jules Woodrick
Chris Bañuelos
Courtney Foat
Meeting commenced at 11:02 am
Old business
Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
Approved by unanimous consent with minor edits submitted via e-mail
Discussion about recognition of pandemic essential library staff
Mary communicated that in her monthly check-in with Kevin, the dean emphasized the distinction between university essential staff and “pandemic essential staff”. There are no university essential staff in the library; about 25 staff were deemed “pandemic essential” and continued on-site operations during the time the library offered limited services
LSA Exec shared ideas for honoring on-site staff, including a few to investigate further for feasibility
LSA Exec discussed the LFSA report that Angie shared with Cabinet, which included staff concerns and governance recommendations for responding to those concerns
This report was written in response to KU Libraries’ re-entry plan for fall 2021
The report was met with some concern by Cabinet, who desired greater clarity about the sources of the report and intent behind the recommendations
Mary indicated that there would be an opportunity for LSA to support LFSA Exec in continuing conversations about the report, and clarifying its intent to Cabinet
New business
LSA Fall General Assembly meeting
Discussed timing and purpose of the fall assembly; wanted to emphasize community over business in the agenda
Discussed creating a PowerPoint presentation with committee updates and quotes from staff about shared experiences during the pandemic
Mary indicated that Kevin was open to providing funding for refreshments
Discussed some opportunities for engagement for those attending remotely
Intend to schedule this assembly in early fall
Upcoming LFSA committee appointments and need for LFSA liaisons
Mary indicated that the following LFSA committees need members from LSA:
Committee on the Code
Committee on Research and Scholarly Activity (CRSA)
Nominating & Ballot
Salaries & Benefits
Mary and Angie will be making a call for volunteers in the coming week to appoint members to fill vacancies on these committees
Mary asked LSA Exec members to consider volunteering as liaison to one of these committees
LSA Exec to consult the code to see if we need to provide a member for the Senate Libraries Committee
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm