LSA Exec - Minutes - January 28, 2019

 Library Staff Assembly (LSA) Executive Committee  Meeting Minutes:  

Date: 01.28.19 Monday 

Time: 01:05 AM-02:05 AM 

Location: Watson 400B Conference Room 

Members: Beran, Emily (Chair); Gandhi, Sunita (Secretary); Huff, Meredith (Member-at-large); Moss,  Brian (Member-at-large); Schleuder, Marla (Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect); Washechek, Evan (Member-at large) 


Beran, Emily, Gandhi, Sunita; Huff, Meredith; Moss, Brian; Schleuder, Marla; Washechek,  Evan (Alphabetical order by last names) 


-Approve minutes from 01.14.19 

-Any updates from LFSA/Kevin 

-Discussion of appointment to replace Marla 

-Staff Development Day ideas/progress/etc. 

-New business 

Minutes Approval: 

-Minutes from 01.14.19 were approved by all the members  

Updates from LFSA/Kevin: 

-Emily informed that Kevin is fine for sanctioning the payment for providing coffee in the morning and  lunch and other potential manageable costs 

-Provided information from the LFSA meeting. Marianne Reed had some concerns regarding the LFSA  Fall general meeting held without a quorum as per required by the governance codes 

-Discussed about better communication process like digital access to the general meetings, permanent  link to the website of the library governance in Dean’s update, more realistic number for the members  for a quorum by updating codes 

Marla’s Vacant Position as Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: 

- Emily will send an email to KU lib for the announcement regarding appointment in place of Marla as it  is 2 year tenure so cannot appoint a person without library wide announcement 

-Emily will contact Dean’s office to send the announcement via Dean’s updates 

-Emily will contact Paul Thomas as he ran for the position last time and may approach other staff  individually if interested

- Balloting and nominating process should be done before February 22nd, the last day of Marla’s service  in KU Libraries. 

Staff Development Day: Tentative Activities: 

-Balance of professional and personal development 

-Emergency planning 

-Green initiatives 


-Art and craft 

-Mindfulness/coaching/management change 

-Allergy awareness 

-Resume building and boosting/job searching 

-A survey for the activities will be send to the library by Emily for the staff opinion Next meeting: 

-Next meeting for further planning around two weeks on February 14th Thursday, 2019 from 8:05-9:05  AM 
