LSA Exec - Minutes - November 28, 2018

LSA Fall General Assembly 

Date: 11.28.18, Wednesday 

Location: Watson 3 West 

Scheduled time: 11 AM-Noon 

Actual time: 11:20 PM to 11: 45 AM (Quorum limit of 33 staff members met at 11:20 PM) Staff came for the Quorum: (34 members+3 faculty members) 

Leah Hallstrom, Evan Washechek, Brian Moss, Ann Snow, Heather MacBean, Greta Valentine, Marla  Schleuder, Sunita Gandhi, Marianne Reed, Emily Beran, Angela Andres, Jocelyn Wehr, Sharon Riley, Lynn Ward, Verna Froese, Mary Raple, Rhonda Houser, Jeromy Horkman, Lois Bauer, Julie Woodrick, Kristin  Sederstrom, Sheila Orth, Samantha Bishop Simmons, Claire Krieger, Laura Maloney, Tahirih Mullen,  Sarah Baillos, Brenda Owens, Erika Dickey, Malgorzata Stamm, Joe Orosco, Scott Cossel, Kelli Tatum,  Courtney Foat, Kent Miller (Faculty), Kevin Smith (Faculty), Betsaida Reyes (Faculty) 

Emily opened the session with brief introduction of the agenda: 


∙ Welcome and introduction of officers  

∙ Introduction of new members 

∙ Update from Dean Smith on the budget 

∙ Upcoming events and updates 

o Staff Development Day – tentatively March? 

o Salaries and Benefits special charge 

∙ Any new business 


-Emily introduced the exec board members: 

Emily Beran (Chair), Marla Schleuder (Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect), Sunita Gandhi (Secretary), Brian Moss  (member-at-large), Evan Washechek (member-at-large), Meredith Huff (member-at-large, absent) 

-Emily introduced the two new hires Evan Washechek and Samantha Bishop (last 1 year hiring)

Dean Smith: Updates 

Budget: Base cut of seven hundred and fifty nine thousand dollars 

-Cut from overnight security, only one shift now 

-Cut from student employees’ work force. Student employees were over budgeted so no effect in the  work flow 

-Lot of staff either resigned or retire. Fourteen positions are open, seven need to make up to the budget  cut, and five should be filled strategically by changing the job descriptions 

-Dean Smith assured that no staff will be fired or have to leave unwillingly. No cut in the professional  development fund

-Dean talked briefly about the new budget model, how the funds will be allocated to the library as we do  not generate the tuition but having faculty, means having both formats-Academic and Service 

-Discussion about campus closing decision in advance for the inclement weather 

-Going forward “weather essentials employee” will be mentioned in the emails with inclement weather  related announcements  

-Dean Smith requested the staff to purchase the raffle tickets for the United Way

Emily: Staff Senate updates 

-A survey will be send for the proposed student assistance program. Emily requested to fill the survey  and mention about how much it can be used for spouses and children. The chances of getting the tuition  assistance program approved if lot of people get benefited 

-Language will be changed for the inclement weather policy for the better understanding of the  announcement 

Emily: Staff Development day 

-Mark the calendar for the tentative date 13th March, Wednesday for the staff development day. The  event’s location can be either in the Union or in the library.  

-Send the new ideas as well as any of the nice event from the past related to the professional  development to Emily or any other member of the exec. There is also an option of filling a form from the LSA website. You can send the form anonymously.  

Emily: Salary & Benefits Committee Special Charge 

-Process has been started for looking into methodology, best ways for the salary study. Currently, not  too much information on the progress, but Carmen Orth-Alfie will give some insight during LFSA Fall  general Assembly on December 5th 

Adjourn: Marianne Reed 

Second: Sunita Gandhi 
