LSA Exec - Minutes - February 1, 2017

LSA Exec 

February 1, 2017 


Ann Snow, Marianne Reed, Leah Hallstrom, Greta Valentine, Sunita Gandhi 

1. Approval of January 4 minutes 

a. Unanimously approved minutes without changes 

2. Asked whether any member of LSA Exec has been approached with concerns

a. Will add this as an agenda item to each meeting going forward 

b. Ann Snow mentioned she was approached by a staff member who indicated the  University Support Staff Employee Handbook has been removed from the policy library

3. Discuss options for submitting concerns to LSA Exec via a form 

a. Discussed pros and cons of submitting feedback with no names or context attached b. The group decided to emphasize contacting members of LSA Exec in person or by e mail/phone, but to also provide a form for feedback with the following features: i. Disclaimer that concerns will be kept confidential 

ii. Optional categories to provide context for the concern 

iii. Word limit 

4. Discussed possibility of rescheduling the 2/16 LFSA Exec Meeting 

a. Greta to look at people’s schedules and see if this is necessary  

5. Discussion of HealthQuest program 

a. Tabled until LFSA Exec meeting 

6. Brian Moss Staff Senate update 

a. Tabled 

7. LFSA Website Update 

a. Greta and Leah gave a brief update on changes made to former LFPA website. Most  pages now reflect the current governance structure, and minutes from this past year  have been posted.  

b. Discussed a potential web page with links to items in the Policy Library that are  pertinent to staff 

c. Discussed potential charge for keeping links up to date on LFSA website 

8. New Business 

a. Marianne asked if attendees of the Staff Leadership Summit and Enhancing Cultural  Competency events (Leah and Sunita from LSA Exec, respectively) would be willing to share about their experience afterward, or share recordings of events. The group  discussed making this an event where any attendee from the Libraries at either of these  events could share their experience at a brown bag event after the fact. 

Action Items 

∙ Ann to mention Staff Handbook issue to staff senate, monitor the issue – see whether this  information is combined with Faculty handbook in policy library 

∙ Greta to look at schedules and see if LFSA meeting 2/16 should be rescheduled

∙ Greta to modify feedback form and send to group for final edits/putting together message  introducing the form 

∙ Marianne to send message to KULIB-L to see if any library attendees at the Staff Leadership  Summit would be willing to share their experience at a brown bag event afterward.

∙ Greta to ask Scott H. whether we can provide a link to old archival crawls of the LFPA/LFSA  website on the site itself

∙ Greta, Leah, or Rebecca to add link to Handbooks from policy library on LFSA website