LSA Exec - Minutes - February 6, 2025
LSA Exec Minutes
February 6, 2025
Present: MC Mack, Brian Moss, Rebecca Schroeder, Jon Giullian, Chris Bohling, April Friedl
Absent: n/a
- Approve January minutes
- Reschedule April meeting
- LSA Spring Assembly
- LSA+Dean and LFA Exec reports
- Student Employee Appreciation Week
- Talent Development Committee
- Approve January minutes
- Approved with unanimous vote
- Reschedule April meeting
- LSA Spring Assembly
- LSA has met the requirement for general assembly (1x/year)
- Likely no need for a Spring Assembly
- LSA+Dean and LFA Exec reports
- LSA + Dean report
- Talent Development Committee
- Student employee appreciation week
- Encouraging staff SET participation
- How was the participation in the Survey?
- How was the response to the call to serve?
- How can we encourage more staff to participate in the SET Teams? What is the incentive?
- Tracking staff service (and promoting staff kudos)
- Staff profile template
- Staff service
- LFA Exec
- Scheduling an LFA Spring General Assembly
- 2024 Evaluation Form and Schedule
- Dean Smith can now add comments
- Dean Smith will also meet with everyone
- Update from the LFA chairs meeting with the dean
- Service Inventory updates to be timed around annual evaluations
- Committee reports
- Ad hoc Committee for Review of P&T Guidelines
- New Business
- LSA + Dean report
- Student Employee Appreciation Week
- Meeting with the Dean Smith, Christy McWard, and Mike Broadwell on Monday, 2/10/25 to discuss what options are available for this
- Discussion of the implications of student worker appointments being required to have matching FLSA designations
- Talent Development Committee
- No volunteers yet
- Again, how can we encourage/recruit folks for this?
- Spring Retreat is TBD
- Conference share outs scheduled for February 19 at 10am in 455
Action Items: