LSA Exec - Minutes - December 5, 2024
LSA Exec Minutes
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Present: Brian Moss, Rebecca Schroeder, Chris Bohling, Morgan Smith, Jon Giullian, Ruby Rhodd and April Friedl
Absent: Tonia Morgan, MC Mack
- Welcome Chris Bohling (new at-large member)
- Approve October minutes and November minutes
- Reschedule January meeting
- Upcoming Haskell library visit
- LFSA Exec and LSA+Dean meeting recaps
- Fall assembly debrief
- Staff profiles on website
- Tracking staff service
- Student employee recognition
- Talent development activity planning
- Approve October minutes and November minutes
- LFSA meeting moved to 1/7/25 from 10-11am and LSA moved to 1/7/25 from 11am-noon
- Haskell library visit on 12/16 at 11am.
- Brian will send out email inviting library staff and faculty with Qualtrics form to RSVP
- Updates from LSA+Dean, LFSA Exec, and LFA Exec meetings
- LSA+Dean 12/4/24
- Looked at examples of staff profiles. Need to present Dean with draft template
- Discussed tracking service for staff. Brian mentioned that few staff are mentioned in KU Kudos
- Talent Development
- conference share outs 12/11/24
- potential trip to Haskell University on 12/16
- Student employee recognition and talent development
- Brian, Rebecca, Mike B., Christy and the Dean will meet to discuss student employees
- Staff Service
- Conversation about tracking staff service similar to faculty tracking.
- Should it fall to N & B to track?
Action Items:
- Brian will confirm attendance cap for Haskell tour
- Rebecca and Brian will continue to work on staff profiles
- Rebecca and Brian will update LSA on student recognition progress
- Brian will locate Qualtrics survey with staff areas of interest for Spring talent development