LFSA Exec - Minutes - June 19, 2022
Library Faculty and Staff Assembly Executive Committee
19-June-2022, 9:00am via Teams
Angie Rathmel, Mary Raple, Scott McEathron, Jules Woodrick, Sara Morris (by chat), and Scott Cossel
Lea Currie, Erin Wolfe
Action Items:
- Angie: edit LFA ad hoc committee charge
- Angie: follow up on language in S&B annual report
Meeting called to order at 9:02am
Minutes from 19-May meeting were approved with minor changes
New Business / Committee Reports
Angie compiled received Committee reports on the LFSA Teams site
LFSA-Exec committee reviewed recommendations from governance committees
Of note:
LCPT (Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure) (Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure): LFA-Exec committee discussed degree requirements at their last meeting and planning to form an LFA ad hoc committee to explore the topic next fiscal year
Could attach to LCPT committee’s recommendation for granting prior years of service
This policy falls within the purview of the provost’s office, with the Libraries having the capability to submit a recommendation
Angie will revise the ad hoc committee charge; clarifying that the goal is “to make a recommendation to the Dean of Libraries” o
- S&B (Salaries & Benefits): clarification needed around ‘existing problems’ noted in the committee’s annual report
- Angie will clarify with S&B committee as well as explore rotating membership issues
Meeting adjourned at 9:56am
Minutes composed and submitted by Scott Cossel