LFSA Exec - Minutes - February 15, 2022
Library Faculty and Staff Assembly Executive Committee
February 15, 2021, 2:30 pm via Teams
Scott Cossel, Angie Rathmel, Mary Raple, Scott McEathron, Jules Woodrick, and Sara Morris
Debbra Peres
- Meeting called to order at 2:30.
- Minutes from the January 2022 meeting were approved.
Old Business
- Governance website contact form
- The group reviewed a proposed Qualtrics form for members of either LFA, LSA, and LFSA Exec Committees. A few suggestions were passed along to Scott C. for modification.
- Code in Policy Library
- The Code currently has numbers on the side but does not work with the CMS. Scott C. will investigate using a table and will talk to the rest of the web migration teams committee about other potential options.
- Meetings with the Dean update (LFA and LSA)
- Angie and Scott M. met with the dean in early February. They discussed using salary savings to give an incentive for people to participate in service commitments. This was historically given, but not in current practice and not something that will start again. LFA raised concern about how the library might better respond to closing unexpectedly in the future. There will be some assessment concerning this in the future. Angie suggested three tools to Kevin to assess how/why library employees are overworked and what to stop. These tools would require the buy-in of supervisors. Kevin shared that Cabinet planned to evaluate the evaluation process in advance of the next round of evaluations. He also reported on the Governor’s Budget and upcoming hires in the library.
- Governance website contact form
New Business
- Scott Cossel was appointed to LFSA Co-Secretary
- Review vacancies, consider temp succession responsibilities in Exec/Code
- Brief discussion about codifying replacements for committees. It was decided not to do this.
- Brainstorm potential Service Incentive Awards for USS/USP
- There has been trouble finding USS/USP to serve on committees. Much of this is because it is not in their job responsibilities and some supervisors discourage this activity. To increase participation would require the support of supervisors and to make service part of the evaluation process. There was discussion about where service could be documented in evaluations. Some potential places are Leadership, Professional Development, and Goals. There is a “Goal Library” in “My Talent” and it might be possible to add a goal there that reflects service in the Libraries. LSA Chair and Vice-Chair will bring this up at their next meeting with the Dean.
- Questions received from the body
- There were questions about Salaries and Benefits and their work on the equity study. The last annual report will be amended to reflect this work. It is currently out for approval by the current committee.
- How the library and university will study Juneteenth.
- Meeting adjourned at 3:28.
Minutes Submitted by Sara E. Morris