LFSA General Assembly - Minutes - April 5, 2021
April 5, 2021
Executive Board
- Brian Rosenblum- LFA Chair
- Chris Bohling-LSA Chair
- Angie Rathmel-LFA Vice-Chair
- Mary Raple-LSA Vice-Chair
- Karna Younger-LFA Secretary
- Rebecca Schroeder-LSA Secretary
Call to order:
10:34am-Call to order by Brian Rosenblum-quorum met with 74 attendees
Approval of Minutes
- Minutes to be distributed at a later date for approval
Introduction of new colleagues
- Eric Bader - publishing specialist
- Kali Deck - Annex inventory
- Charissa Pincock -manuscript processor
Approval of spring LFSA general assembly minutes
- Brian Rosenblum motion to approve by unanimous consent-approved
Reports from Governance committees
- Committee on the Code
- No update
- Nominating and ballot
- Sunita Gandhi gave update
- Ballots will go out the first week of May
- Salaries and Benefits
- Angie Rathmel gave report as LFSA liaison to the committee
- S & B will assist LFSA with charge to address budgetary concerns and communication
- S & B will continue ongoing study of pay equity within the libraries
- Information about Library Research Fund
- Committee has reviewed and approved four applications this fiscal year
- There is $6000 in the LRF for FY21
- There is a remaining balance of $3478
- Information about General Research Fund
- There is a $14, 562 GRF allocation to KU Libraries for FY22
- A virtual Q & A was hosted by Lars Leon and Sarah Morris
- Committee has reviewed three applications
Dean Smith’s remarks
- Will give similar update to all staff meeting held the previous week
- Budget update
- Budget proposal submitted
- Met with new CFO to discuss budget options
- Returning to Work
- Waiting on central administration to give guidance on work and classroom density
- Expect mask mandate to remain through fall
- Unlikely the libraries will have fully remote workers
LFSA Website Migration Team
- Brian Rosenblum, Chris Bohling, Michelle Curttright, Scott Cossel and Sharon Riley
- LFSA is responsible for migrating past LFA governance pages to new CMS
- Opportunity to redesign some of the web content
- Looking at deadline of late October/early November for migration completion
Governance Elections 2021
- Discussion of open positions for this election cycle
New Business
- LSA holding a session titled “Introduction to Governance” on 4/7/21
- Ad Hoc Committee forming on Budget and Planning
- Update on status by Angie Rathmel
11:21am-motion to adjourn