LFSA Exec - Minutes - November 19, 2020



November 19, 2020 


∙ Chris Bohling-Chair (LSA) 

∙ Mary Raple-Vice-Chair (LSA) 

∙ Rebecca Schroeder-Secretary (LSA) 

∙ Karna Younger-Secretary (LFA) 


∙ Brian Rosenblum- Chair (LFA) 

∙ Angie Rathmel-Vice-Chair (LFA) 


∙ Meeting commenced at 3:06 p.m. 


1. Approve minutes of previous meeting 

2. Special Charge-nominating and ballot 

3. Governance Master calendar 

4. New Business 

Review and Approve Minutes  

∙ Change wording to “potential special charge” in both instances. Add that both potential charges  are tabled until a later meeting. 

Minutes approved with revisions 11/19/20 

Special Charge-nominating and ballot 

∙ Discussion of whether or not this needs to be a special charge 

o Karna-LSA and LFA exec should weigh in 

o Could be a topic for LFSA general assembly 

o Change language to suggest date ranges instead of specific dates. Nominating and  ballots can suggest specific dates. 

o Chris-this conversation centering on nominating/ballot timeline has been going on for  several years. 

o Potential special charge: Expanding beyond gender to identify inequities. 

o The wording in the code about when elections are to be held/begun/completed is  vague. 

o Karna, as code liaison, will draft and send an email to Codes asking for clarification on  May 15th deadline.  

o Karna-may just need a change in internal documentation instead of a special charge. 

∙ Governance Master Calendar discussion 

o Mary-this calendar is to provide guidance and alleviate frustrations during transitions. o the governance calendar is an internal document not to be included in the potential  special charge to Committee on the Code, or in formal documentation 

o Chris-would like to add a few more specific dates to calendar 

New Business 

∙ LFSA General Assembly on 12/11/20 @ 10am- need to send out agenda, date/time one week prior 

∙ LFSA exec to meet again before General Assembly  

Committee Adjourned at 4:07 p.m.