LFSA Exec - Minutes - August 20, 2020



August 20, 2020 


• Brian Rosenblum- Chair (LFA) 

• Chris Bohling-Chair (LSA) 

• Angie Rathmel-Vice-Chair (LFA) 

• Mary Raple-Vice-Chair (LSA) 

• Karna Younger-Secretary (LFA) 

• Rebecca Schroeder-Secretary (LSA) 


• None 


• Meeting commenced at 10:06 am 


I. Review and approve minutes from 7/23 LFSA executive meeting 

II. Assign special charges to LFSA standing committees 

III. Discuss next step for LFSA Webmaster position 

IV. New business 

Discussion of employee identity theft 

• Mary-Libraries only aware of staff members who reported voluntarily that they were victims • Chris-shared information about Staff Assistance Fund. Credit monitoring is free/identity theft  monitoring is $100/year 

• Chris will continue to follow up with University Senate 

Review and Approve Minutes  

• Approved with several revisions 

1. Combine last two bullet points in LFSA Executive Committee Roles  

2. Delete Point #2 under CRSA final reports 

• Karna move to approve, Angie second 

Assign special charges to LFSA Standing Committees 

• Discussion about remaining committee vacancies in CRSA and nominating and ballots • Chris will send out email requesting volunteers and then reach out to individuals as needed

CRSA- needs to be a person with research as part of their job description. No special charges  yet. Mary will schedule first meeting. 1 more member needed 

Salaries and Benefits-Brian will follow up on getting final report. There will be a special charge  to review the report and see what will be modified and/or carried forward 

• Website not updated with current members 

Webmaster position 

• Chris and Brian will draft position description to use for this year. 

• Secretaries will review job description to look at overlaps with secretary position description • Karna-encouraged public call for the position vs. contacting specific individuals to be more  inclusive 

New Business 

• Karna will update CMS with all current committee members 

• Schedule next meeting for 9/3/20 

Committee Adjourned at 11:00 am