LFSA Exec - Minutes - March 12, 2018

LFSA Committee Meeting 2:00-3:00pm, Monday, March 12, 2018 Watson400B


Leah Hallstrom, Andi Back, Emily Beran, Karna Younger, and Lars Leon Absent: Marla Schleuder 


1. Minutes approved 

2. No liaison reports 

3. New Member lunch: Took place Tuesday March 6th. Suggestions for the future would be to  begin with relevant anecdotes about the importance of library governance and then discuss the  structure. 

4. Marketing Campaign: The working group will provide an update at the April All Staff meeting to  promote participation in governance and the upcoming elections. 

5. LFSA General Assembly: Will be held April 11th in Watson 455 from 11am-12pm, discussion of  agenda ensued. 

6. Adjourned