LFSA Exec - Minutes - December 11, 2017

LFSA Committee Meeting  

2:30-3:30pm, Monday, December 11, 2017  



Leah Hallstrom, Emily Beran, Andi Back, Marla Schleuder, and Lars Leon 


Karna Younger 


1. Minutes approved 

2. No liaison reports 

3. SharePoint and Meeting Minutes: SharePoint templates need to be reviewed and discussed at a  future meeting. 

4. Staff Development Day for LSA Members: Will take place March 21, 2018 during Spring Break.  Agenda/marketing are TBD and a call will go out soon to library staff to collect potential ideas  for topics. 

5. Communication Working Group: Survey results are being analyzed and the committee will meet  soon to discuss results and come up with marketing ideas. There were also comments that go  beyond marketing LFA and LSA Execs can discuss. 

6. Adjourned