LFSA Exec - Minutes - March 28, 2017

March 28, 2017 

LFSA Executive Committee 


Sara Morris, Greta Valentine, Karna Younger, Leah Hallstrom, Rebecca Orozco, Marianne Reed


Callie Branstiter, Brian Moss, Heather MacBean 

1. Review/approve minutes from the previous LFSA Exec meeting (All) 

a. Approved minutes with changes from Marianne and Sara 

2. Quick update on tuition assistance survey (Greta) 

a. Currently ~50 responses 

b. Kevin would like responses soon so he can look them over before presenting them in  another venue 

c. Greta: print an aggregate report of responses to each question as well as all the  comments 

d. Committee on this issue involves some members from university senate 

3. Review annual report template for LFSA committees (Sara) 

a. Reviewed Sara’s proposed changes to the template 

4. Discuss possible Spring LFSA meeting (Sara & Marianne) 

a. Do we have reason to call a spring meeting? Anything to vote on, decide, pass along? b. Could be an opportunity to debut new report form and website 

c. Tuition assistance survey? Should we share these results in general even if we don’t  meet? 

i. May need to report back to the body about our progress in this first year 

ii. Would need to be sometime in April 

iii. Sara to find a time when Kevin is available, the majority of us are available 

5. Elections and appointments for governance committees for FY2018 (Marianne & Sara) Elections must be held by May 15 for any new members of LSA and LFA Execs (to confirm  winners by June 1; be in their roles July 1): 

∙ LSA: Vice-Chair, Secretary, 3 Representatives at large (unless the current 3  representatives are to continue for another year) 

∙ LFA: Vice-Chair, Secretary, Assistant Librarian, Associate Librarian, Librarian,  Member at large 

∙ LFA Elections for openings on LCPT and SLPTR (Sabbatical Leave and Post Tenure  Review) 

a. Need volunteers to fill these positions – need to recruit people 

b. LSA to discuss whether current at-large representatives will continue this coming year c. Leah to contact Nominating & Ballot to see their needs for LFA, and LSA Exec, as well as  LCPT and SLPTR. Execs have to take place by May 15; SLPTR and LCPT can be later if  necessary 

d. Executive Committees to send a call for volunteers, but also be looking for people  willing to serve 

6. Committee openings for appointment by FY18 LFSA Exec (Marianne) 

Committee on the Code, Salaries & Benefits, Nominating & Ballot, and Committee on Research  & Scholarly Activity (CRSA) 

a. Next fiscal year’s governance make these appointments, but we should be looking  b. Liaisons should check the Code and help look for people to fill vacancies

7. Other business? 

a. Brian gave updates from Staff Senate 

i. Tuition assistance has been a topic of discussion. If people want to send  

comments on the proposal to the Provost’s office, they are free to do so. 

ii. Elections are going on right now – Marianne to send out a reminder to staff iii. Election deadline is March 31st 

iv. Chancellor candidates have been posted for the search committee to rank. Top  5 choices will be sent to the Board of Regents for selection. Want to have a new  chancellor selected by June. 

v. Staff Senate to write a letter of displeasure with increasing parking costs. 

vi. Mini Wheat State tour announcement came out – watch for sign-up e-mail. 

Action Items: 

∙ Greta: export survey responses 

∙ Greta: ask about LFPA/LFSA URL change 

∙ Rebecca: send out an agenda request a week before scheduled meetings 

∙ Sara: make changes to report template 

∙ Committee Liaisons: check with committees to confirm vacancies 

∙ Leah: Check with Nominating & Ballot to see how elections will be handled; notify LFSA