LFSA Exec - Minutes - October 11, 2016

October 11, 2016 

LFSA Executive Committee Meeting 


Marianne Reed, Leah Nelson, Greta Valentine, Sara Morris, Karna Younger, Rebecca Orozco Guests: Letha Johnson 

LFSA Exec Agenda: 

1. Approval of Minutes from 8-25-16 (attached) 

2. Governance Documents Archiving Procedures (Letha Johnson) 

3. Draft agenda for LFSA General Meeting on October 24 

4. Next steps for addressing Salary & Benefits concerns raised at LSA Fall Assembly 5. Next steps on LFSA website 

6. Updates from LSA and LFA 

7. Discussion re: LFSA and university governance 

Governance Documents Archiving Procedures (Letha Johnson) 

- Letha provided handout modeled on University retention schedule; applies to LFSA and sub assemblies 

- Put electronic versions in OneDrive folder Letha has set up; she will transfer to University  archives 

- Pay attention to correspondence that sets practice or policy for any of the assemblies. Save as  PDF and keep in a folder. Letha will give everyone on LFSA Exec permissions to OneDrive folder. - Letha is retaining all e-mails that go out to a group list announcing a LFSA, LFA, or LSA meeting  with an agenda. 

- Website – Letha to mention to Scott and Larry capturing website as it was previously. - All records are currently open. Items that need to be redacted include mentions of personnel  issues. LCPT is vague regarding who was discussed regarding applications. These items are still  captured and made closed. (Closed items remained closed for 62 years. 70 years after  termination, P&T files can be destroyed.) 

Approval of Minutes from 8-25-16 (attached) 

- Sara: motioned to pass as written 

- Leah: seconded 

Draft agenda for LFSA General Meeting on October 24 

- Sara to make a call to those on University committees to give updates 

- Ask for updates from the committees we as LFSA liaisons for 

- Update on website (include governance documents policy) 

- LFA and LSA updates 

o Talk about LSA representation 

- Introduce new members since June 2016; have chairs introduce them 

- Welcome from Kevin (items: encourage governance participation) 

- Will need an updated membership list (Leah) to establish a quorum 

- Call for new business 

Send out agenda 48hrs+ before meeting 

Next steps for addressing Salary & Benefits concerns raised at LSA Fall Assembly

- Wait to see if the LFSA Salary & Benefits committee can address some of these staff concerns

- This year’s LFSA Salary & Benefits committee agenda is not faculty-focused. Let them act and  see if there is really a need for a staff committee 

- October 19th is Open Enrollment meeting with vendors talking about benefits; Leah to send this  out in HR Update. People can follow up on their own. Salary & Benefits committee willing to  pass on benefits information. 

- Greta: share wording from LSA survey w/ Karna re: benefits concerns 

Next steps on LFSA website 

- Wait for Letha to contact Scott/Larry about getting a snapshot of the website how it is - Share detail at LFSA General Meeting about changes to pages, archived materials - Reiterate that minutes are available upon request 

Updates from LSA and LFA 

Marianne, LSA Update: 

- Shared results of poll regarding concerns and committees 

- Staff concerned about salaries, opportunities for advancement. Focusing on this – info about  promotional opportunities 

- No committees for now 

- Sharon shared orientation mentors info 

- Discussed at-large representation. Asked for volunteers for 2-4 positions. Ended up asking for 3;  got 5 volunteers. 

Sara: how do we get staff excited about governance/willing to go to meetings? - LFSA members can bring staff before meetings; bring food? 

- Could Kevin send a message to managers to make arrangements for staff to be able to attend  meetings? Sara and Marianne to e-mail/ask Kevin about this; e-mail and in upcoming meetings - Can we use Skype for Business to videoconference, share with video? Is there a better way? - Can we send out a summary of what took place at the meeting (not minutes)? 

LFA Update (Sara): 

- Working group working on repackaging faculty criteria and discipline expectations along with a  couple other documents. This has to go to University SPPT Committee. 

- About to launch a working group on expectations for Academic Staff. May depend on some  findings of criteria/expectations working group. 

Discussion re: LFSA and university governance (Marianne) 

- Can we share updates from Staff and Faculty via LFSA? 

- Code indicates LFSA vice chair is connected to university governance 

- When do updates get sent out and who sends them? Sending to KULIB-L? Can discuss internally  on staff side whether to send to staff list or KULIB-L. Probably best to use KULIB-L so both  groups are aware. 

- Think this over for now; send big updates to KULIB-L.