LFSA Exec - Minutes - July 19, 2016

July 19, 2016 

LFSA Special Charges and Committee Appointments 


Marianne Reed, Leah Nelson, Sara Morris, Greta Kliewer, Karna Younger, Rebecca Orozco

Committee Appointments 

Committee Appointments: 

- The group discussed those who had volunteered for various LFSA joint committees, and  remaining openings. The remaining committees with openings are Nominating and Ballot (Greta  to speak with additional potential appointees), Salaries and Benefits (Leah to speak with  appointees) and Code and Bylaws (Sara to speak with appointees). 

- Goal is to get people into their roles by August 1 

- Once potential appointees have been approached and/or agreed to serve, LFSA Exec will  approve appointees via e-mail 

Joint Committee Special Charges 

Greta to schedule a meeting in early August to discuss special charges for committees, once their  membership has been determined. 

The bulk of discussion centered on last year’s special report from Salaries and Benefits, and how to  address the information that it presented (i.e. what were action items for LFSA Exec, what were  potential special charge items for the committee, what those in the Libraries could do to address the  information in the report, etc.) Discussion topics included: 

- Should Sara and Marianne meet with Dean Smith to discuss the content of the report? - Could a study be conducted to see how library salaries and benefits compare to those at the  university? To our peer organizations? Could hiring, salary compression, and/or promotional  paths also be examined? 

- Acting on this report can be used as an example to engage people with governance. - LFSA or members could meet with the new Salaries and Benefits committee when it’s filled and  see how to proceed 

- Could create a charge to be in touch with university governance/Salary & Benefits committee regarding these issues 

- Could the committee or LFSA Exec host some events such as informational sessions about  benefits, promotional paths? Could we get someone from HR to speak? Could we host a local  meeting with TIAA Cref representatives? 

- LFSA Exec to read through report and discuss potential action items/special charge items at  meeting in early August 

Nominating & Ballot 

- Special charge for this group could involve having the group create a “cheat sheet” or  documentation for using the Qualtrics system to distribute ballots 

Committee on Research and Scholarly Activities (CRSA) 

- Should the committee address whether/how committee members get funding? Or should Code  & Bylaws address this? 

- Sara and Marianne to ask Kevin whether LRF gets funds for this year.

- A special charge could involve reviewing/updating LRF guidelines to reflect information on  committee member recusals from reviewing their own applications, as well as the decision from  last year to split money between semesters.  

Code & Bylaws 

- No special charges - will likely have code changes to make this year 

Marianne noted that LFSA may receive proposed charges from Cabinet for either or both LFA and LSA.

Other Business 

Leah talked to Mike about contact for policy library – Code – contact Mike rather than Kevin. Sara to talk  with Mike about this.  

Are there ways that LFSA can contribute to university governance via our membership in Faculty Senate  (Amalia Monroe-Gulick) and Staff Senate (Brian Moss)? 

Action items 

• Greta to speak with potential appointees for Nominating & Ballot; Sara to speak with appointees  for Code & Bylaws; Leah to speak with appointees for Salary & Benefits  

• Sara to share document with remaining committee vacancies that can be filled in as appointees  are chosen 

• Greta to schedule a meeting the first week of August to discuss charges for committees once  they have been filled 

• Sara and Marianne to schedule a meeting with Kevin; ask whether LRF will receive funds this  year; potentially discuss action items from Salaries and Benefits report