LFSA Exec - Annual Report - 2017-2018
Library Governance Committee Final Report
Fiscal Year: 2017-2018
Committee Name: Library Faculty and Staff Assembly Executive Committee
Committee Co-Chairs: Karna Younger, Leah Hallstrom
Members (with terms): Emily Beran, LSA vice-chair (2017-2018); Lars Leon, (2017-2018); Marla Schleuder, vice-chair (2017-2018); Andi Back, secretary (2017-2018)
Standing Charges:
∙ Ensures the orderly and effective operation of LFSA
∙ Is the first point of contact for matters affecting all library faculty and staff, save those which are specifically assigned to the respective assemblies or standing committees in the Code, and where appropriate, assigns such matters to standing or ad hoc committees
∙ Monitors KU governance issues that may affect LFSA, including the University Senate and the University Senate Committee on Libraries
∙ Takes no action contrary to the desires of the LFSA
Standing Charges Progress/Accomplishment Summary:
∙ We met regularly in spirit of the charges.
Special Charges:
∙ Schedule a presentation by University Archives for LFSA Exec/committee chairs/LSA; and Exec and LFA Exec to ensure that the committees understand what kinds of information needs to be archived.
∙ In order to improve lines of communication between LFSA Exec and LFSA committees (i.e. committee reports, awareness of committee meetings and actions), and to consider ways to further clarify the roles of the LFSA Exec liaisons to the LFSA committees (Nominating and Benefits, Salaries and Benefits, Committee on the Code, Committee on Research and Scholarly Activity), LFSA executive will include a standing
agenda item “Update from Committees” that will be provided by the committee liaisons. ∙ In order to ensure that committee minutes are delivered to the LFSA secretary in a timely fashion for posting on the website, liaisons will communicate the need to send approved minutes to the LFSA secretary within two weeks of approval and remind committees that minutes may be approved over email.
∙ Develop a marketing plan to demonstrate the value of shared governance and participation therein, including the functions of the LFSA/LSA/LFA bodies, and to recruit candidates for LFSA/LFA/LSA leadership positions.
Special Charges Progress/Accomplishment Summary:
∙ LFSA executive decided to ask Letha Johnson to attend our August meeting to discuss archival criteria to meet both of the above special charges. LFSA executive members will be
required to attend, and members from other governance committees will be encouraged to attend. Andi Back volunteered to email Letha with an invitation to our next meeting. ∙ LFSA executive instituted a standing agenda item for liaisons to report on committee activity.
∙ LFSA secretary met with secretaries of other groups, as well as SharePoint coordinator, to streamline processes and sharing within SharePoint to ensure timely submission of minutes. Committee secretaries also received periodic email reminders from LFSA secretary.
∙ LFSA executive appointed a working group to demonstrate the value of shared governance and participation therein, including the functions of the LFSA/LSA/LFA bodies, and to recruit candidates for LFSA/LFA/LSA leadership positions.
∙ Working group was chaired by Lars Leon, members included Emily
Beran, Betsaida Reyes, and LeAnn Meyer.
∙ Working group collected faculty and staff feedback via survey and offered ideas and action items based on the findings. Details were also shared at the LFSA General Meeting in April.
Other Activities or Accomplishments:
∙ LFSA brought back a 'new members lunch' to explain the value of governance to faculty and staff who started within the last year. This was done based on the recommendations of the communications working group.
∙ In response to staff concerns, generated at the LFSA general meeting, Salaries and Benefits was charged with looking into pay equity among staff and faculty at KU Libraries.
Potential Charges for Future Committees/Recommendations:
∙ Have Committee on the Code look at the interpretation and clarification of serving on the executive board and additional committees.
∙ Committee on the Code should review and report on the use of the term 'officer' and 'office' as they exist throughout the Code prior to the first general meeting.
∙ Continue the 'new members lunch' in future years.
∙ Develop a communications plan for LFSA/LSA/LFA to share information with faculty and staff. Formalize set recommendations and work with OCA to establish logos, email templates, or other promotional pieces, and also revise governance websites.
∙ Continue to ensure that Salaries and Benefits is working toward their special charges assigned at the end of the 2017-2018 governance term.
∙ Salaries and Benefits will determine the methodologies, criteria, and other factors to conduct a study of KU Libraries faculty and staff salaries to identify inequities.
∙ Using recommended methodologies, criteria, and other factors, conduct a study of KU Libraries faculty and staff salaries to identify inequities. The committee's final report should contain recommended action items for LFSA executive and the administration to be more transparent and to resolve any found inequities.
Please review the Committee’s portion of the Library Governance website and the Code. Does it need updating/correcting?
∙ LFPA Faculty/Unclassified Professionals Evaluation Documents needs
updating: lfsa.ku.edu/faculty-evaluation
∙ See: lfsa.ku.edu/lfa for related documents
Prepared By: LFSA executive committee