LFSA Exec - Minutes - February 15, 2024

Minutes from the Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee


February 15, 2024

Attending: Eric Bader, Jon Giullian, Brian Moss, Sara Outhier (secretary), Michael Peper, Marianne Reed

Absent: n/a




  • Approve September meeting minutes.
  • Reports from meetings with Dean:
    • LFA: Discussed ways to communicate what is happening in the Libraries to the Provost and the community. Dean Smith shared her goals for working with the Senate Libraries Committee, as well as her plans for advocating for funding to accompany new faculty lines. (Michael)
    • LSA: Discussed talent development and available funding for staff professional development, as well as strategic planning. Dean Smith encourages faculty and staff to participate in strategic planning, and they discussed barriers to engagement. (Marianne)
  • LFSA committee reports (CRSA, Committee on Code, Nominating and Ballot)
    • CRSA: Held information sessions on the GRF and a workshop on generating ideas for research. A discussion on the book publishing process is planned for the spring. CRSA is looking at LRF guidelines with the goal of being as inclusive as possible, Dean Smith wants to support scholarly research activities for faculty and staff. The Committee has approved four LRF applications and declined one. CRSA recommends that the grant guidelines be reviewed soon. (Jon)
    • Committee on the Code: The committee is charged with making changes to Code. Michael checked in with the chair last week, but chair is on leave. (Michael)
    • N&B: Will begin work soon for spring elections. The next step is identifying upcoming committee vacancies[PM1] . (Marianne)
      • Michael will ask asking them to maintain the faculty committee assignments space in Sharepoint.
  • Review LFSA committee charges
    • The goal is to formalize the process of assuring that committee activities are reflected in charges.
    • These updates would codify committee activities that are informally known or are contained elsewhere in the code that would be more useful as a charge.
    • Examples include reviewing LRF and GRF guidelines and maintaining a spreadsheet of governance committee appointments.
    • Marianne and Michael will work on language for proposed changes to charges.
  • Proposal for regional/local library visits
    • Brian: formerly there were Wheat State tours visiting regional libraries, museums, and cultural institutions.
    • Tours would require funding and someone to coordinate.
    • Brian and Marianne will bring this up to the Dean in the next LSA-Dean meeting.



  • None.



  • Marianne: Ask N&B to compile a list of open committee positions for the next year.
  • All: Review the LFSA site to identify documents that were previously posted but are no longer available. Identify those that should be reinstated.
  • Marianne/Michael: Propose any additional standing charges for committees and work on language for proposed changes to charges.
  • Marianne/LSA: Propose updates to the LSA portion of the Code for the Senate Libraries Committee that we will try to find a USS person to fill that position reserved for USS, but that a UPS person can fill if not USS are available or willing to serve.
  • Marianne: Work with Owen to get the .DOCX version of the Code uploaded to the site.
  • Brian and Marianne: Bring up visits to regional libraries and cultural institutions in the next LSA-Dean meeting.

I think I also mentioned that I will be asking them to maintain the faculty committee assignments space in Sharepoint. [PM1]