LFSA Exec - Minutes - August 15, 2024

LFSA Exec Minutes

3:00pm August 15, 2024


Present:  MC Mack, Rebecca Schroeder, Brian Moss, Jon Giullian, Josh Bolick, Kodjo Atiso, Jaime Groetsema-Saifi

Absent: N/a



1.    Housekeeping  

  1. Exec Meeting schedule 
  1. MS Teams Channel: LFSA 2024-2025  

i.   Communication 

ii.  Documentation 

iii.  Updating LFSA web content 

2.   LFSA committee reports: 

  1. Nominating & Ballot:  liaisons and new appointments 
  2. CRSA: liaisons and new appointments 
  1. Committee on Code: liaisons

3.   Reports from LFA/LSA meetings with Dean Carol Smith 

4.   New Business 




1.    Introductions round the room


2. Housekeeping  

  1. Exec Meeting schedule 
    1. Review code and meeting schedule requirements
  1. MS Teams Channel: LFSA 2024-2025  
    1. Discussing structure of Teams Channel
      1. Communication 

                                      i. Teams Communications Notifications On for all members

                       ii.  Documentation 

                                New addition: Doc Archive

                                Minutes uploaded to Teams site for review/approval, send to Owen after approval

                        iii.  Updating LFSA web content 

                              Touching base with Owen to confirm he will publish minutes

3.   LFSA committee reports:

  1. Nominating & Ballot:  liaisons and new appointments 
    1. Loren Bracciano to fill open position
    2. Kodjo is liaison
  2. CRSA: liaisons and new appointments 
    1. 2 open positions now filled: 1 staff (Eric Bader), 1 faculty (Jaime Groetsema-Saifi)
    2. Mack is liaison
  1. Committee on Code: liaisons
    1. Brian Moss is liaison

4.   Reports from LFA/LSA meetings with Dean Carol Smith 


Bus Tour Review

Review of Priorities, focus on Talent Development

Student employee recognition, talent development for student employees

Why are we only getting 2% raise instead of approved 2.5% cost of living raise from legislature


Review items recommended from annual report

New Faculty Hiring

Service Commitments review



Action Items:

Jon: Contact Owen Murphy to see if Owen is still contact for CMS

Mack, Kodjo, Brian: Reach out to committees for first meetings and set up contact