LFSA Exec - Minutes - August 15, 2024
LFSA Exec Minutes
3:00pm August 15, 2024
Present: MC Mack, Rebecca Schroeder, Brian Moss, Jon Giullian, Josh Bolick, Kodjo Atiso, Jaime Groetsema-Saifi
Absent: N/a
1. Housekeeping
- Exec Meeting schedule
- MS Teams Channel: LFSA 2024-2025
i. Communication
ii. Documentation
iii. Updating LFSA web content
2. LFSA committee reports:
- Nominating & Ballot: liaisons and new appointments
- CRSA: liaisons and new appointments
- Committee on Code: liaisons
3. Reports from LFA/LSA meetings with Dean Carol Smith
4. New Business
1. Introductions round the room
2. Housekeeping
- Exec Meeting schedule
- Review code and meeting schedule requirements
- MS Teams Channel: LFSA 2024-2025
- Discussing structure of Teams Channel
- Communication
- Discussing structure of Teams Channel
i. Teams Communications Notifications On for all members
ii. Documentation
New addition: Doc Archive
Minutes uploaded to Teams site for review/approval, send to Owen after approval
iii. Updating LFSA web content
Touching base with Owen to confirm he will publish minutes
3. LFSA committee reports:
- Nominating & Ballot: liaisons and new appointments
- Loren Bracciano to fill open position
- Kodjo is liaison
- CRSA: liaisons and new appointments
- 2 open positions now filled: 1 staff (Eric Bader), 1 faculty (Jaime Groetsema-Saifi)
- Mack is liaison
- Committee on Code: liaisons
- Brian Moss is liaison
4. Reports from LFA/LSA meetings with Dean Carol Smith
Bus Tour Review
Review of Priorities, focus on Talent Development
Student employee recognition, talent development for student employees
Why are we only getting 2% raise instead of approved 2.5% cost of living raise from legislature
Review items recommended from annual report
New Faculty Hiring
Service Commitments review
Action Items:
Jon: Contact Owen Murphy to see if Owen is still contact for CMS
Mack, Kodjo, Brian: Reach out to committees for first meetings and set up contact