LFA Exec - Minutes - September 27, 2019


September 27, 2019


  • Betsaida Reyes - Chair
  • Brian Rosenblum - Vice-chair/Chair Elect
  • Fran Devlin - Representative (Librarian rank)
  • Sarah Goodwin Thiel - Representative (Associate Librarian rank)
  • Josh Bolick - Representative (Assistant Librarian rank)
  • Carmen Orth-Alfie - Representative (Member at Large)

Not present

  • Erin Wolfe - Secretary


Meeting was called to order. Minutes from LFA Exec meeting (8/30/2019) were reviewed, voted, and approved with amendments.

Report on meeting with the Dean

University policy on Post Tenure Review Section 2D has been amended.

Plans for how the KU Libraries administration will distribute merit pay will be submitted by the end of September to the Provost’s Office. Merit pay letters will be sent after all campus units’ plans have been approved. The pay increase will be reflected in the November 15, 2019 paycheck.

The assistant librarian minimum base salary for new hires has been changed to $54,000.

Dean supports appointment of an ad hoc committee to address issues for maintaining the LFA/LSA governance web site in Sharepoint. .

Rosenblum will be unable to attend the LFA Chair and Vice-chair November meeting with the Dean. Thiel volunteered to attend in his place.

Agenda for LFA general fall meeting

We need to present a proposal that can be sent to ballot in order to reduce the membership of the LFA Exec. Committee. This change will ease the burden of service while facilitating the work of N&B committee. Code & Bylaws Committee is working to draft a new proposal to amend the Code.

We need to discuss teaching as part of professional performance in the PTTR and P&T process. We will ask Dean Smith to report on this during his address to the meeting. There is an administrative policy statement that was written by Dean’s Cabinet – will be distributed during the meeting.


LFA/LSA web presence

In consultation with LSA Exec., an LFSA ad hoc committee will be created to address the issues of updating committee membership rosters, reports and minutes on the governance web site (Sharepoint). Sara Morris (LFA), Sarah Goodwin Thiel (LFA) and Matt Torres (LSA) have all expressed interest in serving on this group.

LFA/LFSA Committees

LCPT meeting to review one candidate for P&T this fall. Code

Salary & Benefits

  • No meetings have been called. Nominating
  • No meetings have been called. CRSA
  • No updates.