LFA Exec - Minutes - January 15, 2019
Library Faculty Association (LFA) Executive Board Meeting Notes
January 15, 2019 (Approved)
Present (in alphabetical order by last name) were Neal Axton, Jill Becker, Marcella Huggard, Lars Leon, Scott McEathron, Angela Rathmel and Betsaida Reyes
Lars Leon calls the meeting to order.
Review of past minutes.
Approved Sep. 5, Nov. 7 and Dec. 5th minutes with corrections.
Review of LFSA December meeting to discuss the Salaries and Benefits charge.
The Code Committee will be reviewing the Quorum issue for Assembly meetings.
Lars attended the last Salary and Benefits Committee meeting and reported on the methodical approach of the methodological analysis. The committee is meeting every two weeks and members have a two year appointment, so the committee's membership is relatively stable.
Meeting with the Dean
Further discussion of library awards process, luncheon for new staff, and the faculty retirement package. No additional information about the budget model.
Amendment of Code regarding Executive Board Membership was discussed. The Code would need to be amended before we elect officers if we want the smaller executive board for next year. Otherwise, it will not take effect until the 2021-22 fiscal year.
LFA and LFSA Code changes regarding Committee Membership
Desire to clarify the LFSA code regarding membership, as well especially with regards to membership in standing committees, ad hoc committees and executive committees.
Budig Awards
HR tracking of start dates is being investigated by Lars and Mike Broadwell in order to make it more obvious how long someone has worked at KU, in terms of eligibility.
Tenure Review committee is very busy.
Marketing Committee is still searching for volunteers.
It might be useful to have an unstructured meeting to talk to people about the role of governance and what the obligations are for different positions.
OMF is in the early stages of discussing strategic planning.
The budget modeling process will be an ongoing issue to monitor and may provide opportunities for advocacy.
University Senate committee on libraries is being reviewed to determine if it should be amended in some manner. It is a large committee with representatives from across campus. This committee was designed to have a significant size in order to give it the level of representation and scope necessary to address issues such as library database package negotiations and campus concerns, however, there appears to be some concern that the size of the committee makes it unwieldy.
Discussion of communication of Wiley package and potential role of governance in the budget process.
Elsevier package will be negotiated over the course of the next year. Discussion of reducing the quorum requirements for LFA.
Discussion of support from the administration for research and the human subject review board process.
Discussion of new faculty grants. Ideally, new library faculty would be advised all the ways in which they can use funds to obtain resources through the new faculty grants.
Discussion of LRF and GRF funds - There are significant funds available. Applications are encouraged.