LFA Exec - Minutes - September 5, 2018

Library Faculty Association (LFA) Executive Board Meeting Notes

September 5, 2018 (Version 1.04)

Present Neal Axton, Jill Becker, Marcella Huggard, Lars Leon, Scott McEathron, Betsaida Reyes, and Angela Rathmel

Lars Leon calls the meeting to order.

Review Minutes of two prior meetings and some amendments are suggested.


Announcement of new Emergency Management Committee being started. Lars reviews notes of meeting with Dean Smith from August 8th, 2019.

Neal discusses new Faculty Senate amendment on Intellectual Property and the current Open Access policy and how they operate.

Scott is interested in how the Dean foresees making base cuts to the budget. Marcella asks about voluntary buyout of faculty discussion with the Dean.

Committee Updates

No updates.

LFSA Updates

Emily Beran is the lead on the Salaries & Benefits Committee charge on Gender Equity meeting on Sep 10th. It is an open meeting.

Next LFSA meeting has not been set.

Changing the Membership of the LFA Executive Board

Proposal to reduce the number of members of the LFA Board while still retaining representation from each rank of librarian.

LFA could be staffed by a 5 member board, as long as it ensures there is diversity of faculty rank within membership.

Given the significant number of committee obligations for LFA and LFSA, it is difficult to garner volunteers every year due to potential conflicts of interest, prior commitments to LFA or LFSA, as well as obligations outside of LFA and LFSA.

LFA could have 3 officers and 2 members at large.

Discussion of how to draft the new membership requirements.

Brief discussion of this proposal would make nominating and balloting work easier and also help to balance the faculty governance load.

Budig Award Discussion

How could we encourage cross-departmental nominations?

Budig award process could be simplified and standards clarified by the Committee who reviews the Applications. Staff of committee is appointed by the Dean.

Selection process is on the website. How do we amend the process?

It is suggested that associate deans and supervisors should nominate members. They are the ones ideally positioned to make nominations. Could this be part of the annual review process? Associate Deans receive annual performance evaluations. The process has timing to allow for nominations to the Budig award. It is a leadership responsibility.