LFA Exec - Minutes - August 29, 2018
Library Faculty Association (LFA) Executive Board Meeting Notes
August 29, 2018 (Version 3.01)
Present (in alphabetical order by last name) were Neal Axton, Josh Bolick, Lars Leon, Scott McEathron, Angela Rathmel, and Betsaida Reyes.
Lars Leon calls the meeting to order. The meeting is to discuss a letter drafted by Josh Bolick in support of UC librarians who are negotiating for academic freedom.
Lars brings up article in CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION by Lindsay Ellis. Do College Librarians Have Academic Freedom: Amid Push, California's "Will Not be Silent", August 27, 2018.
Jill expressed support for Josh's letter in advance of the meeting since she could not attend.
Marcella Huggard had asked if this was a forbidden political act. Amalia Monroe-Gulick (not present) was consulted by Lars Leon. Amalia felt the letter was not a forbidden political act. Neal suggests this is a contract matter, not lobbying of a political entity and thus not legally prohibited.
Scott McEathron mentions Spencer exhibit from the Wilcox collection that touched on white supremacy and Nazism, which was protested by a few KU faculty. The librarians rallied to support the exhibit due to academic freedom.
This was an overt example of the necessity of academic freedom for librarians. Several edits to the letter were suggested and discussed.
Lars Leon agreed to send the letter in his role as chair on behalf of the LFA Executive Board.
The plan was for Josh to verify the email addresses where we want to send the letter. Lars would finalize the letter and Neal will post it to the LFA website.
Lars circulated the letter and based upon feedback forwarded the matter to the LFA Assembly.