LFA Exec - Minutes - July 16, 2018
Library Faculty Association (LFA) Executive Board Meeting Notes
July 16, 2018
Present (in alphabetical order by last name) were Neal Axton, Jill Becker, Marcella Huggard, Lars Leon, Scott McEathron, Angela Rathmel, and Betsaida Reyes.
Introductions and Opening Remarks
Discussion of challenges with using Sharepoint to disseminate LFA Information. Discussion of how to accept suggestions from faculty and track them across time.
Discussion of LFA Executive Committee roles. Lars Leon will represent LFA on the University Senate Library Committee.
Committees and Liaisons
The following members were appointed to be liaisons to the following committees by unanimous consent.
Scott McEathron will be the liaison to the Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure (LCPT) committee.
Jill Becker will be the liaison to the Sabbatical Leave and Post-Tenure Review Committee (SLPTR) committee.
A special election will be necessary to replace two members of SLPTR. Programming Notes
Carl W. Lejuez, Interim Provost, has offered to meet with Library faculty and staff for a question and answer session sometime this year, perhaps during an All Staff Meeting.
Jennifer F. Hamer, Vice Provost of Diversity & Equity, was mentioned as a potential speaker. Referred to LFSA for coordination and discussion.
Discussion of lines of communication to the Dean of Libraries. LFA has a standing monthly meeting but that may be adjusted.
Updates from the Administration
The University is in the process of developing new budgeting model. KU Libraries will continue to use Faculty Pro.