LFA Exec - Minutes - March 19, 2018

MINUTES: 2017-2018 Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Monday March 19, 2018 1-2pm Watson 400B

Present: Chair: Karna Younger, Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Lars Leon, Secretary: Andi Back, Librarian: Lea Currie, Associate Librarian: Sherri Brown, and Assistant Librarian: Michael Peper

Absent: Member at Large: Rebecca Orozco


  1. Minutes approved
  2. No liaison reports
  3. Meeting with Dean Kevin Smith: Began discussion of Parental Leave and examining the internal awards process. Sharon Riley and Leah Hallstrom are forming a committee to solicit nominations for internal awards.
  4. Marketing Working Group: Lars reported on the recent New Member Lunch, so far there is one volunteer for governance committees. As a result of discussions during the lunch there seems to be a need to talk more generally about governance work to library faculty and staff and consideration of new ways to communicate with new employees during orientation process.  In the future the Marketing Working Group is going to assess ways to share stories from the recent survey results.
  5. Spring General Assembly: Possibly invite the new Ombud D.A. Graham to give a brief explanation of his position and how it can apply to the libraries. The meeting will be help most likely in May and will include a final vote on the Faculty Evaluation Plan, Kevin will be asked to discuss the budget and realignment plan, LFA Exec will discuss activities from the past year, and KU Governance updates will be provided by library staff/faculty serving on committees.
  6. Elections: Discussion of length of terms ensued, for example holding office for two year terms, and the positive and negatives of this. The topic should potentially be discussed during the LFSA Spring General Assembly.
  7. Adjourned