LFA Exec - Minutes - February 16, 2018
MINUTES: 2017-2018 Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Friday February 16, 2018 10-11am Watson 400B
Present: Chair: Karna Younger, Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Lars Leon, Secretary: Andi Back, Associate Librarian: Sherri Brown, Assistant Librarian: Michael Peper, and Member at Large: Rebecca Orozco
Absent: Librarian: Lea Currie
- Minutes approved
- No Liaison reports
- Marketing plan: The committee has a forthcoming meeting to brainstorm ideas for marketing items related to survey responses. Discussion ensued about the potential to highlight past ways governance has advocated for library employees. For example UAS to Faculty status and hosting Chris Brown, Vice Provost for Faculty Development at the fall 2017 LFA Assembly.
- New Employee Lunch: Will take place Tuesday March 6th and all faculty and staff hired in 2017-2018 will be invited (approx. 15 people)
- LFSA General Assembly meeting: April 11th 11am-12pm Watson 455. Discussion about possibly inviting Jennifer Hamer ensued. Specific agenda items will be solidified at the next LFA Exec meeting.
- Adjourned