LFA Exec - Minutes - January 22, 2018
MINUTES: 2017-2018 Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Monday January 22, 2018 2-3pm Watson 400B
Present: Chair: Karna Younger, Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Lars Leon, Secretary: Andi Back, Associate Librarian: Sherri Brown, Assistant Librarian: Michael Peper, and Librarian: Lea Currie
Absent: Member at Large: Rebecca Orozco
- Meeting minutes approved
- No liaison reports
- Deans update: Kevin shared four themes that emerged from the climate survey data: prejudgment by supervisors based on identities, the annual evaluation process for staff not being fair or clear, staff advancement, and not feeling valued or able to trust administration. Kevin will address these issues in upcoming communications. The diversity resident position is underway. The eligibility of librarians for the Chancellor’s mid-career award for associate professors was discussed.
- LFSA working group update: Timeframe regarding next steps is related to future communications and discussions with Dean Kevin Smith and a possible agenda for the next LFSA assembly meeting. Marketing ideas include; a new member event, information to accompany voting, sharing information about the accomplishments of library governance, and addressing participation issues. In the future consideration must be given on how to overcome hindrances to attendance and the lack of involvement in library governance.
- New member event: Joint lunch event with LSA for new hires in order to provide an introduction to library governance. Determining hire dates and who to invite to the event is underway.
- Adjourned