LFA Exec - Minutes - January 18, 2017

MINUTES: 2016-2017 Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee

Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 1-2pm

Watson 440B

  1. Attendance:
    • Present – Chair: Sara Morris, Vice Chair/Chair Elect: Karna Younger, Secretary: Rebecca Orozco, Member 1: Ada Emmett, Member 2: Sherri Brown, Member 3: Josh Bolick
    • Absent – Member at Large: Andi Back
  2. Minutes
    • Rebecca Orozco will revise the minutes for approval at the next meeting.
  3. Update from Unclassified Academic Staff (UAS) Working Group
    • Karna Younger, working group member, discussed the survey with the Dean of University of Kansas (KU) Libraries, Kevin Smith. Dean Smith is willing to circulate the survey with the other deans at KU.
  4. Overview Document update
    • Josh Bolick, the Liaison to Library Committee on Promotion & Tenure (LCPT), will talk to the Committee about the Overview Document (OD) Working Group. Josh sent an email to Scott McEathron, LCPT Librarian Representative, and waiting for the follow-up response.
    • Sara Morris recommended that we change the date on the OD Working Group due to a hectic spring schedule and needing more time for member recruitment. The LFA Executive Board discussed the date change and decided to start the OD Working Group in March. A call for volunteering will go out at the end of February. Josh Bolick and Andi Back, as liaisons, will speak with Library Committee on Promotion & Tenure and Sabbatical, Leave, Post-Tenure Review Committee respectively about the date change.
  5. Other Business
    • None
  6. Adjournment