LFA Exec - Minutes - September 23, 2024

Minutes from the Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee  

September 23, 2024.  

Attending: Jon Giullian (Chair), Josh Bolick (Vice Chair), Kodjo Atiso (Secretary), Angie Rathmel, Brian Rosenblum, and Adrienne Sanders.  

Absent: none


  1. Minutes from 8/12 meeting were approved


  1. Update from the LFA Chair/ Vice-Chair meeting with Dean Carol Smith on 9/6
    1. Discussion about Inconsistency of faculty/staff profiles on KU Libraries directories and the need for accurate and timely updates to web content. A librarian for digital user experience could inform and potentially be responsible for editing and updating web content?
    2. KU is going through a new branding process that will eventually affect KU Libraries web templates.


  1. Reviewed LFSA's upcoming assemblies meeting.
    1. Tuesday, November [BJ1] 12, (2-5 pm) set as preferred date and time for the assemblies meeting. The LSA takes the first hour while the LFSA takes the second, then the LFA[BJ2] 


  1. Reviewed committee liaison reports
    1. Sabbatical Leave and Post Tenure Review Committee (SLPTR). Committee met on 4th for a brief meeting. Reviewing two applications for sabbatical leave. Will review PTR dossiers in the spring.
  2. Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure (LCPT). Committee met for the first time and will review four PTTR dossiers in spring 2025


  1. Discussion of LFA priorities
    1. P&T Criteria. Supervisors and mentors need to work together to help PTTR candidates to be prepared for review. Candidates must receive accurate and candid feedback. 
    2. Mentoring Guidelines. This work will be postponed to FY 2025-2026 unless LFA-Exec can find time to work on it during the spring of 2025
    3. Faculty Service Audit
      1. Explore a survey to ask LFA members to detail their service commitment within the library, university, and outside KU
    4. Supervisors should consider nominating colleagues for awards and creating a culture of support for the nomination. Encourage faculty to nominate colleagues for university awards.


  1. New Business
    1. New agenda requested in anticipation of the fall assembly.
    2. Annual Reports should reflect events and actions of the previous year.
    3. Work with Dean to make sure the governance website is updated with current information.
    4. Next meeting with Dean 10th October.

Action Items

 LFA Chair and Co-chair: 

  1. Submit changes to Criteria to SPPT
  2. Finalize and consolidate the fall assembly meeting by the end of this week.
  3. Contact LCPT regarding special charge / ad hoc committee

Angie and Adrienne: 

  1. Service audit.  Work on a method or platform for collecting data.


  1. Reach out to Carol about meeting with LCPT to discuss her questions about the P&T procedures related to scholarly activity.