LFA Exec - Minutes - September 23, 2024
Minutes from the Library Faculty Assembly Executive Committee
September 23, 2024.
Attending: Jon Giullian (Chair), Josh Bolick (Vice Chair), Kodjo Atiso (Secretary), Angie Rathmel, Brian Rosenblum, and Adrienne Sanders.
Absent: none
- Minutes from 8/12 meeting were approved
- Update from the LFA Chair/ Vice-Chair meeting with Dean Carol Smith on 9/6
- Discussion about Inconsistency of faculty/staff profiles on KU Libraries directories and the need for accurate and timely updates to web content. A librarian for digital user experience could inform and potentially be responsible for editing and updating web content?
- KU is going through a new branding process that will eventually affect KU Libraries web templates.
- Reviewed LFSA's upcoming assemblies meeting.
- Tuesday, November [BJ1] 12, (2-5 pm) set as preferred date and time for the assemblies meeting. The LSA takes the first hour while the LFSA takes the second, then the LFA[BJ2]
- Reviewed committee liaison reports
- Sabbatical Leave and Post Tenure Review Committee (SLPTR). Committee met on 4th for a brief meeting. Reviewing two applications for sabbatical leave. Will review PTR dossiers in the spring.
- Library Committee on Promotion and Tenure (LCPT). Committee met for the first time and will review four PTTR dossiers in spring 2025
- Discussion of LFA priorities
- P&T Criteria. Supervisors and mentors need to work together to help PTTR candidates to be prepared for review. Candidates must receive accurate and candid feedback.
- Mentoring Guidelines. This work will be postponed to FY 2025-2026 unless LFA-Exec can find time to work on it during the spring of 2025
- Faculty Service Audit
- Explore a survey to ask LFA members to detail their service commitment within the library, university, and outside KU
- Supervisors should consider nominating colleagues for awards and creating a culture of support for the nomination. Encourage faculty to nominate colleagues for university awards.
- New Business
- New agenda requested in anticipation of the fall assembly.
- Annual Reports should reflect events and actions of the previous year.
- Work with Dean to make sure the governance website is updated with current information.
- Next meeting with Dean 10th October.
Action Items
LFA Chair and Co-chair:
- Submit changes to Criteria to SPPT
- Finalize and consolidate the fall assembly meeting by the end of this week.
- Contact LCPT regarding special charge / ad hoc committee
Angie and Adrienne:
- Service audit. Work on a method or platform for collecting data.
- Reach out to Carol about meeting with LCPT to discuss her questions about the P&T procedures related to scholarly activity.