LFA Exec - Minutes - October 21, 2024
LFA Exec Minutes
October 21, 2024
Attending: Jon Giullian (Chair), Josh Bolick (Vice Chair), Kodjo Atiso (secretary), Angie Rathmel, Brian Rosenblum, Adrienne Sanders
Absent: none
- Housekeeping
- Reviewed the LFA Exec Teams channel, communication options, and documentation. LFA Exec will use Teams to conduct business, so committee members should enable notifications to allow the committee to work in real-time.
- LFA Discussion Board is a new channel that will serve as an open forum for members to share ideas and voice opinions on matters affecting the LFA.
- LFA will meet monthly on regularly scheduled dates.
- Update from the LFA Chair/ Vice-Chair meeting with Dean Carol Smith
- Reviewed and discussed recommendations from the LFA Exec 2023-2024 Annual Report (see report for more details)
- Charge an ad hoc committee to review promotion and tenure guidelines
- Charge an ad hoc committee to revisit past mentoring guidelines.
- Review guidelines about the selection of the ex officio member to the University Senate Libraries Committee.
- Consider conducting a comprehensive audit of service load among Libraries faculty. Committee members expressed the need to capture service both within and outside the Libraries and KU. Discussed some of the complexities of defining what counts as service.
- Reviewed the current timeline of the FY2024-2025 faculty hiring plan (shared by Carol Smith).
- The plan is moving forward and on track. More details will be forthcoming from Carol Smith and the Libraries Administration.
- Discussed the possibility of resuming “dinner with candidates” as[BJ1] an element of all campus interviews for faculty positions, as a way to get to know candidates in an informal setting.
- Reviewed and discussed recommendations from the LFA Exec 2023-2024 Annual Report (see report for more details)
- Discussed the need to review the faculty evaluation process.
- There seems to be feedback gaps and deficiencies in the evaluation process (e.g., how and when feedback is shared at the various levels of evaluation). Consistent and accurate feedback from supervisors to candidates should be part of the annual evaluation process as candidates move through the promotion/tenure process.
- It is understandable that LFA may not be able to tackle all of the recommendations during the current fiscal year; hence the need to prioritize the work of LFA.
- Action Items
- LFA Exec members volunteered to serve as liaisons to the LFA/LFSA committees and were asked to call the first meetings of those committees. Liaison assignments included:
- LCPT - Adrienne Sanders
- SLPTR - Josh Bolick
- LFA Exec members volunteered to serve as liaisons to the LFA/LFSA committees and were asked to call the first meetings of those committees. Liaison assignments included:
- LFA Exec members were asked to review the previous Executive Committee’s Annual Report and prioritize projects for the LFA to work on during the current Fiscal Year, which will form the basis for discussion at next month’s meeting.
Not required for the dinner to take place before the interview, just that it occurs. Could be evening before interview day or at the end of the interview day, and that will differ based on candidate travel and other factors. [BJ1]