LFA Exec - Minutes - November 18, 2024

LFA Exec Minutes  
November 18, 2024

Attending: Jon Giullian (Chair), Josh Bolick (Vice Chair), Kodjo Atiso (Secretary), Angie Rathmel, Brian Rosenblum, and Adrienne Sanders.    

Absent: none  


  1. Approved minutes from the LFA Exec meeting on October 21, 2024
  2. Debrief of LFSA/LFA fall general meetings
    1. Funds snapshot/dashboard
      1. Individual dashboard/dashboard where faculty members can find information on their personal Talent Development Fund, including balances.
      2. Start-Up Fund Allocation 
        1. Faculty to get a pile of start-up funds with expiration dates 
        2. Faculty can always keep track of their finances.
      3. CRSA/LRF awards 
        1. Six LRF applications have been received and approved so far, exceeding the number of applications submitted by this time last year
        2. GRF has not received allocation or applications yet 
        3. GRF funds added to the dashboard 
      4. Centrally Funded Professional Development 
        1. Other admin-approved funding, individuals can see how much they have spent and how much is left. 
        2. This dashboard may not be able to track funding from outside the library.  Affected candidates must furnish the Shannon/Michell (Finance Office) with those details to be added to the dashboard.
  3. Ad hoc Committee for Review of P&T Procedures – Status update
    1. Three volunteers have applied to serve on this committee   
    2. Tenured track faculty members are preferred candidates for this role because of their experience.
    3. A maximum of two pre-tenured track faculty members may be accepted to complement the number.
    4. There is still room for members, the committee Chair must reach out to volunteers to apply.
    5. While the promotion requirement stipulates that one peer review may be sufficient, candidates must aim for a higher standard to appeal to the university community and external reviewers.
  4. Service Inventory / Audit – Next steps 
    1. The question of service mandate is not well defined, and it is not clear what is mandatory and what is not, this clarity is needed to prevent ambiguity. 
    2. Members will receive a Qualtrics survey of service commitment, detailing which services they are involved in.
    3. It is also important that service charges are put in categories such as those in the library, university, regional or national
  5. LFA Chairs + dean meeting report
    1.  Dean is very optimistic about accomplishment in all endeavors by faculty/staff 
    2. There is a need for a continuous conversation about Open Access in shared governance
    3.  Service should not eat into our regular work/research time
    4. Dean working on increasing the collections budget 
    5. Dean concerned about work/life balance of faculty and staff
  6. LFA committee reports  
    1. LCPT
      1. Given the fact that the Association of Research Libraries (ARL)matrix is the new measure to determine rankings, KU Libraries' research must be strong enough to compete with peers in the region
      2. P&T Procedures should be reviewed regularly and updated. Upon unveiling new criteria, the old ones must be archived for future reference.
      3. Potential conflict of interest for members who serve on certain committees
    2. SLPTR 
      1. The committee is working on sabbatical leave files
      2. Will work on PTR files in the spring
  7. New Business 

  Action Item: 

  • The LFA Chair will contact Mike Broadwell to ascertain if Marcella Huggard is still at post and request that the site be updated.