LFA Exec - Minutes - December 18, 2024

  LFA Executive Minutes   
December 18, 2024.

 Attending: Jon Giullian (Chair), Kodjo Atiso (secretary), Angie Rathmel, Brian Rosenblum, and Adrienne Sanders.  

Absent (with permission): Josh Bolick 


  1. Minutes from 11/18 /2024 were approved.
  2. Update from the LFA chair meeting with the dean
    1. Status update from the ad-hoc committee of promotion and tenure procedures.
      1. The initial meeting for the groups is scheduled for the 22nd of January 2024
      2. The group is composed as follows: 
        1. Jaime Groetsema Saifi, Assistant Librarian 
          1. Milton Machuca- Galvez, Assistant Librarian
          2. Andi Back, Associate Librarian
          3. Josh Bolick, Associate Librarian
          4. Elspeth Healey, Associate Librarian
          5. Sara Morris, Librarian
          6. Brian Rosenblum, Librarian
    2. Service inventory 
      1. The current state of the service inventory looks good but must be updated for the year 2025.
      2. To update the inventory, members must copy and paste the service commitment portions on their CV and paste them into the Qualtrics survey.
      3. The deadline for this exercise is no later than the Spring of 2025.
    3. Evaluation
      1. Carol expressed the desire to provide feedback on faculty evaluations and asked LFA Exec to investigate how that might be possible. The current evaluation form does not provide a space for her to include comments.
      2. LFA Exec Chairs reviewed the KU Libraries: Faculty Evaluation Plan, which states “The Dean reviews each Library Faculty member’s Faculty Annual Review and evaluation summary, provides appropriate comment (if any), and signs the form.”
      3. As a result, the LFA Chairs consulted with HR director Mike Broadwell to add a section in the faculty evaluation form where the Dean can add comments. 
    4. Approach to Evaluation by Supervisors
      1. The committee noted there is no clear library-wide rubric guiding supervisors in the evaluation process.
      2. With no such unified rubrics, supervisors are compelled to use their discretion in the execution of this duty.
    5. The Appeals Process
      1. The code provides faculty members who disagree with their evaluation with a remedy in the appeals process. However, this provision has not been tested in the past. As such, HR director Mike Broadwell is looped in to clarify the process in detail.

3. Committee liaison reports
     a. LCPT

  1. No updates 

     b. SLPTR 

  1. The committee will work with Mike to determine due dates and communicate them to the LFA membership.

4. Service Inventory
     a. No updates           

5. New business

  1. No new business

Action Items: 

  1. Jon was asked to contact Mike and Carol to redesign the evaluation form by adding a comments box to allow the Dean to write comments on individuals.   
  2. Mike Broadwell was looped in to throw more light on the appeals process.