CSB - Minutes - August 23, 2016

Meeting Minutes:  

Date: 8.23.2016 Tuesday  

Time: 11:00-Noon 

Location: Watson 440D 


Karna Younger, Mike Broadwell, Deborah Dandridge, Shannon Royer, Scott Cossel, Lars Leon,  Sunita Gandhi 

Handout/referencing material:

Annual Report of the previous years 


• Introduction of the members 

• Talked about previous years from the Annual reports 

• This year 4 categories are being treated as one unit for the libraries-1. Academic staff 2. Faculty  3. USS 4. UPS 

• Discussions about the charges 

Actions to be taken: 

1. Raising awareness in transparency by providing/sharing more information 

2. Explaining employees benefits  

3. Need to talk of communication beforehand about the salary-process (may be  announcement in the All staff) 

4. If early announcement is not possible, then can have discussions for the next  year 

5. Considering a town hall meeting after consultation with the cabinet for merit  base process (should be about process only, not about individual questions) 

We can use the following table later if need be: (optional)


By Whom 

By When