CSB - Annual Report - 2020-2021
LFSA/LSA/LFA Committee Final Report
Committee Name:
Salaries and Benefits
Committee Chair:
Matt Torres (resigning)
Members (with terms):
Michiko Ito (2020-2022), Leah Hallstrom (resigned), Lea Currie (withdrawn in 2021-2022 due to her phased retirement)
Mike Broadwell (ex officio), Shannon Royer (ex officio)
Angela Rathmel, LFSA-Exec Liaison
Fiscal Year:
Standing Charges:
The Committee on Salaries and Benefits (S&B), in conjunction with the library administration and LFSA, prepares such reports and statistical studies as may be needed to support library’s budget request for salaries and seeks way to educate staff concerning benefit options.
Standing Charges Progress Summary (please include progress and/or accomplishments related to Standing Charges):
There was talk early on about completing a previous charge of looking into equity by way of pay disparities based on gender. This was briefly touched on prior to and after our special charges were proposed and dropped (see below).
The committee had three meetings in November to review the 2019 S&B annual report recommendations from this study, but it was unclear how to proceed and what the best way of analyzing the data might be. LFSA-Exec liaison took back to LFSA (based on 2019 report and discussion) the following:
- Create a new special charge based on what is of most urgent present concern.
- If LFSA doesn't provide a special charge, S&B pursue its standing charge (below):
...in consultation with the library administration and LFSA, prepares such reports and statistical studies as may be needed to support the libraries budget request for salaries and seeks ways to education staff concerning benefit options.
LFSA responded with the following special charge (below).
Special Charges:
- To address the unprecedented and immediate concerns from the State and University response to COVID-19, Salaries & Benefits Committee (S&B) will assume the standing charge of the Planning & Resources Committee (PRC), currently in hiatus, to “examine general priorities in the distribution of resources and participate in planning budget and human resource activities within the Libraries.” within the following specific scope and outcomes:
- Assess how these priorities affect staff and faculty issues, activities, and job duties, specifically related in/equitable compensation. Report to the Library Faculty and Staff Executive Board and Assembly initial recommendations by March 31st, and throughout the remainder of the fiscal year as appropriate.
- Assess the history and current status (initially provided by LFSA exec) of the PRC committee and how the processes in executing its charges compare/contrast to processes of University governance on matters of budget. Suggest structural ways that governance and administration can improve communication and input in matters of budget decision-making.
- By April 15th (in preparation for) and the 2021 Spring General Meeting, make recommendation to LFSA, in consultation with Committee for the Code and Nominating and Ballot, for the reinstatement or continued hiatus of the PRC committee with any applicable revision to its standing charge.
Special Charges Progress Summary (please include progress and/or accomplishments related to Special Charges):
- The Committee had two meetings in February and March 2021 to discuss the special charges. The committee felt it was not appropriate to assume the standing charges of PRC, which was in hiatus. LFSA agreed to drop the charges and decided to pursue the charges using an ad-hoc group. S&B Committee members may join in the ad hoc taskforce if LFSA decided to establish it.
- The Committee also discussed the current status of transparency, communication and/or involvement of staff in budget making process. The committee members opinions were varied and inconclusive in terms of the appropriateness of transparency.
Progress on Previous Year’s Recommendations (if applicable, please describe any progress or work towards last year’s committee recommendations):
Mike shared with the committee the 2017 gender pay equity data provided for the study. It was suggested that the data be rerun with current (2020-2021 data) figures. This remains incomplete due to the complexity of salary changes due to COVID and VSIP.
Other Activities or Accomplishments:
No further recommendations
Potential Charges for Future Committees:
No specific potential charges recommended, see recommendations above.
Prepared By:
Matt Torres (chair) and Michiko Ito (Secretary), Angela Rathmel (LFSA-Liaison)