Nominating and Ballot - Annual Report - 2018-2019

Nominating and Ballot Committee – Final Report FY 2019 


Chris Bohling (chair), Jon Giullian, and Brian Rosenblum 

The Nominating and Ballot committee conducted two ballots during FY 2019: 

1. Special Election for LSA Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect (March 2019) – LSA Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect Marla  Schleuder left her position at KU Libraries, so LSA held a special election to nominate a  replacement. 

2. Regular ballot for LSA and LFA executive committees, LCPT, and SLPTR.  

The committee did not recommend any special charges, but is recommending that the N&B Committee  and LFA continue to work on revising the makeup of LFA Executive Committee in the hopes of finding an  optimal number of members.