LSA Exec - Minutes - March 30, 2022


March 30, 2022 

Committee Members Present 

• Mary Raple 

• Julie Woodrick 

• Marianne Reed 

• Dyamond Hutton 

• Scott Cossel 

Guests Present 

• Sharon Riley 


• Meeting commenced at 2:03pm 


Approved minutes from 28-February-2022 meeting with no changes by unanimous consent 

Old business 

Update from most recent LSA Chair/Vice-Chair meeting with the Dean

  • Continued discussion on Stop, Keep, Start assessment. This concept is already taking place, in some iteration, between some supervisors and reports in the Libraries 
  • Discussed the creation of a Staff Service Award to (in part) encourage committee and governance service among Libraries’  staff. Future discussion planned 
  • The Dean appreciated the idea of a workshop centered on stress
  • Discussed necessity for updating position descriptions on a  regular basis 
    • The primary challenge in that regular updates do not track incremental changes to responsibilities and job duties over time, which is important to establish in potential cases of staff promotions 
  • Asked about details for KU market study: 
    • Completed by campus HRM office 
    • Included comparing KU Libraries with peer libraries 
    • Job classifications are listed on the KU HRM website

Update from most recent LFSA meeting 

  • Discussed elections – the need for an LFSA spring general assembly meeting will be determined at a later date 
  • Consensus is to not have an LSA spring meeting 
    • All announcements or communications normally discussed at an LSA spring meeting could be conducted via email, or during a Libraries all-staff meeting  
    • Mary will mention workshops at LFSA meeting and inform assembly that there are changes to the Code under discussion which may lead discussion in the fall

Nominating and Balloting committee will address elections for next year 

New business 

Staff Development workshop on stress (Sharon Riley & guest speaker) Ideas for the workshop 

  • Incorporate parts of Sharon’s recent KU-wide mindfulness and meditation workshop 
  • Topics to address: self-criticism, worry, pressure, and tendency to catastrophize 
  • Additional topics to address: deep-breathing, muscle relaxation and visualization (and other behaviors to combat the topics listed in point 2) 
  • Workshop tentatively set for late-April 

Other ideas for Staff Development workshops in June 

  • Discuss offering lunch, as part of Sharon’s workshop, with the  Dean 
  • Sharon recommends only two or three workshops over a couple  of months rather than a bunch of workshops over just one month 
  • Methods to unplug and decompress, at the end of the day is a  potential topic 
  • Something tied to the Libraries’ Juneteenth-centered Day of  Reflection 
  • Hold a staff day, or morning, of service 
  • Archeological Education Training Program will be at the Brown v.  Board museum from June 3rd – 18th 
  • Dyamond created a list and share for discussion with the Dean

The Provost’s recent meeting regarding the Dean’s 5-year review

  • Angela Andres willing to meet with LSA committee next month

Additional business 

LSA would like to attend a future monthly meeting with the Dean 

Sharon Riley agreed to serve on the LSA-Exec committee for the  remainder of the year (yay!!!


• Meeting adjourned at 3:06pm 

Minutes compiled and submitted by Scott Cossel