LSA Exec - Minutes - February 14, 2019

 Library Staff Assembly (LSA) Executive Committee  Meeting Minutes:  

Date: 02.14.19 Thursday 

Time: 08:05 AM-09:05 AM 

Location: Watson 400B Conference Room 

Members: Beran, Emily (Chair); Gandhi, Sunita (Secretary); Huff, Meredith (Member-at-large);  Schleuder, Marla (Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect); Washechek, Evan (Member-at-large) 

Moss, Brian (Member-at-large) resigned on 02.13.19 by informing Emily Beran (Chair) who informed the  members in the exec meeting of 02.14.19 


Beran, Emily, Gandhi, Sunita; Huff, Meredith; Schleuder, Marla; Washechek, Evan (Alphabetical order by last names) 


-Approve minutes from 01.28.19 

-Discussion of appointment to replace Marla, Brian and Evan Washechek 

-Discussion to get volunteers for the Staff development day 

-Discussion about more activities for the staff development day 

-Tuition Assistance program 

Vacant Positions: Marla’s Vacant Position as Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect: 

-Paul Thomas agreed to contest for this position. Emily will ask Chris Bowling to send the ballot electronically to KU lib and request members to reach out to the staff members to vote for Paul to fulfill  the quorum requirement 

Evan’s and Brian’s Vacant Position as Member-At-Large: 

-Emily will send an email to the KU lib again to volunteer for these vacant positions -Marla will reach out to some of the staff members personally 

Staff Development Day: Confirmed Activities: 

-Emily has booked the rooms and catering 

-LeAnn Meyer may take the head shots 

-Sharon Riley Coaching session 

-Sheila Orth Genealogy session topic ‘Research Your Civil War Ancestry’

The rest of the following tentative activities are from the January 28th meeting

-Balance of professional and personal development 

-Emergency planning 

-Green initiatives 


-Art and craft 

-Mindfulness/coaching/management change 

-Allergy awareness 

-Resume building and boosting/job searching 

-A survey for the activities will be send to the library by Emily for the staff opinion

Tuition Assistance Program: 

-The new tuition assistance policy

-The staff will have to pay tuition to third-party institutions (like ESU) up front and then request  reimbursement after the class ends and may be provide the proof of passing the class 

-Seems to be no reimbursement for online classes as well as out of Kansas classes 

-Emily will write a letter voicing concern about the effect on library staff who use our tuition benefit to  attend library school. Emily will ask the staff to provide stories/ thoughts to support the proper tuition  assistance for the staff 

-Dean Smith is aware and will write a separate letter to voice his concern 

Kansas governor proposal: 

-The Kansas governor proposal for raises across the board but it is at very early stage and also with  budget constraint may not be possible 

Minutes Approval: 

-Minutes from 01.28.19 were approved by all the members  
