LSA Exec - Minutes - January 14, 2019

 Library Staff Assembly (LSA) Executive Committee  Meeting Minutes:  

Date: 01.14.19 Monday 

Time: 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 

Location: Watson 400B Conference Room 

Members: Beran, Emily (Chair); Gandhi, Sunita (Secretary); Huff, Meredith (Member-at-large); Moss,  Brian (Member-at-large); Schleuder, Marla (Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect); Washechek, Evan (Member-at large) 


Gandhi, Sunita; Huff, Meredith; Moss, Brian; Schleuder, Marla; Washechek, Evan (Alphabetical order by last names) 


Planning for the staff development day 

Approval of the minutes for LSA Exec meeting 11.15.18 and LSA Fall General Assembly 11.28.18


-Meredith provided the print copies of the notes from Emily as she was out sick (PDF is attached)  



-Discussed about the activities for the staff development day on March 13th Wednesday, 2019 -30 minutes per session, 15 minutes for Q/A 

-Evan may create a google doc with different categories of the activities with permission to edit -Next meeting for further planning on Monday, January 28th, 2019 from 1:05-2:05 PM

Minutes Approval: 

-Minutes were approved by all the members  
