LSA Exec - Minutes - November 15, 2018

Library Staff Assembly (LSA) Executive Committee  Meeting Minutes:  

Date: 11.15.18 Thursday 

Time: 1:00-1.40 PM 

Location: 302 Watson 

Members: Beran, Emily (Chair); Gandhi, Sunita (Secretary); Huff, Meredith (Member-at-large); Moss,  Brian (Member-at-large); Schleuder, Marla (Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect); Washechek, Evan (Member-at large) 


Beran, Emily; Gandhi, Sunita; Huff, Meredith; Moss, Brian; Schleuder, Marla; Washechek,  Evan (Alphabetical order by last names) 

Minutes Approval: 

-Minutes from October meeting approved by all the members  

Update from Provost Carl Lejuez by Emily: 

-Three meetings scheduled for faculty focus group to get feedback for probable budget models for the  FY 2020. Two meetings are done and attended by Lars and Betsaida from the library  

-A proposal to increase the $1 per credit hour limit for the libraries has been rejected -Planning to do sessions with staff and graduate students 

-Carl has open office hours for staff and faculty 

-Provost office is still conducting the town hall meetings 

LFSA Liaison Reports by Emily: 

-LFSA General Assembly for fall 2018 

-The date 5th December, Wednesday has been fixed for the fall general assembly, from 10 AM to 10:45 AM in Watson 3 West  

-Tentative agenda includes introduction of the exec board members, Salary & Benefits committee  presentation on the special charge of salary study, and other general updates 

-Emily will talk to Carmen about the progress of the S&B study 

-Emily (Chair) and Marla (Vice-Chair/ Chair-Elect) met with Kevin to talk about topics like budget

Staff Senate Report by Emily: 

-Making progress in the top issue of Tuition assistance for children and spouse 

-Will send out a survey to get ideas/suggestions/concerns from the staff. Encourage staff to fill the  survey

LSA General Assembly for fall 2018: 

- The date 28th November, Wednesday has been fixed for the fall general assembly, from 11 AM to Noon  in Watson 3 West  

-Tentative agenda includes introduction of the exec board members, introduction of the new staff,  Salary & Benefits committee may give presentation on the special charge of salary study, Dean Smith’s  in-depth overview of the budget situation, staff development day ideas and other general updates if any 

OD Liaison Reports by Evan: 

-No report this time as the OD meeting has been cancelled 

Staff Development Day: 

-Decided to have the staff development day during Spring break (11-17th March 2019) -Tentative date is March 13th, Wednesday 

-Emily will talk to Union staff for the booking 

-Will start planning from December 4thmeeting 


-Not sure about how adequately the new budget model for FY 20 will fund the libraries
