LFSA Exec - Minutes - November 16, 2021

Library Faculty and Staff Assembly Executive Committee

November 16, 2021, 2:30 pm via Teams and in Watson 455


Angie Rathmel, Mary Raple, Scott McEathron, Jules Woodrick, Greta Valentine, and Sara Morris 

Absent: N/A


  • Meeting called to order at 2:32
  • Minutes from the September 30, 2021 meeting were approved by unanimous consent without changes
  • Old Business

    • Update on committees
      • Jules to check in with Salaries and Benefits
      • Committee on the Code has their special charge for this year – looking for equity issues in code such as disparity b/w faculty and staff on the Dean’s review committee
    • Meetings with the Dean update (LFA and LSA)
      • LSA:
        • Jules and Mary met with Kevin to discuss employee morale and workloads. Kevin requested some feedback from LSA re: concrete ideas about a definition of low morale, what is causing it, and some suggestions for addressing it.
        • LFSA Exec discussed some potential options for gathering input, including an examination of departure data by unit and how workload is being redistributed.
      • LFA:
        • Angie and Scott met with Kevin and discussed similar issues.
        • Angie looking into listening circles as a potential method for faculty/staff to share concerns and engage in restorative justice.
  • New Business 

    • Governance website contact form (tabled)
    • LFSA Assembly planning
      • Angie shared planning document with initial agenda
      • Currently scheduled for December 16 in 3 blocks so staff/faculty don’t have stay the entire time
      • Will be virtual
    • University Governance is waiting on Libraries to elect a faculty member and USS staff member to serve on the Senate Libraries Committee


  • Action items

    • Send fall assembly date out to KULIB-L. Agenda will follow later.
    • LSA to meet and address Kevin’s request for input re: low morale
  • Meeting adjourned at 3:35