LFSA Exec - Minutes - February 15, 2021



February 15, 2021 


∙ Chris Bohling-Chair (LSA) 

∙ Brian Rosenblum-Chair (LFA) 

∙ Mary Raple-Vice-Chair (LSA) 

∙ Angie Rathmel-Vice-Chair (LFA) 

∙ Rebecca Schroeder-Secretary (LSA) 

∙ Karna Younger-Secretary (LFA) 




∙ Meeting commenced at 1:04 pm 


I. Approve minutes of last meeting (2/3/21) 

II. Discussion of LFA/LSA meetings with Dean over governance involvement in KU Libraries budget  planning 

III. Other new business 

Review and Approve Minutes  

Minutes approved with several emendations 2.15.2021 

Discussion of LFA/LSA talks with Dean over governance’s role in the budget process 

∙ Dean Smith was supportive of having Planning and Resources Committee (PRC), or some form of  representation at budget discussions 

∙ Kevin mentioned that Cabinet addresses budget matters and governance could be  present 

∙ He also mentioned there are monthly budget/budget meetings with Mike and Shannon  but those include personnel issue discussions so are not as appropriate for PRC ∙ Discussion of budget compact departmental meetings in progress

∙ Discussion of whether the new KBOR 30-day policy on terminating trumps the 90 day current  policy 

∙ Review of Special Charge for Salary and Benefits 

∙ Angie will communicate special charge to S & B 

2020-2021 LFSA Exec Special Charge to Salaries & Benefits Committee 

1. To address the unprecedented and immediate budget concerns from the State and  University response to COVID-19, Salaries & Benefits Committee (S&B) will assume the  standing charge of the Planning & Resources Committee (PRC), currently in hiatus, to "examine general priorities in the distribution of resources and participate in  planning budget and human resource activities within the Libraries." within the following  specific scope and outcomes: 

a. Assess how these priorities affect staff and faculty issues, activities, and job duties,  specifically related in/equitable compensation. Report to the Library Faculty and Staff  Executive Board and Assembly initial recommendations by March 31st, and throughout the  remainder of the fiscal year as appropriate. 

b. Assess the history and current status (initially provided by LFSA exec) of the PRC  committee and how the processes involved in executing its charges compare/contrast to  processes of University governance on matters of budget. Suggest structural ways that  governance and administration can improve communication and input in matters of budget  decisions-making. 

c. By April 15th (in preparation for) and at the 2021 Spring General Meeting, make  recommendation to LFSA, in consultation with Committee for the Code and Nominating and  Ballot, for the reinstatement or continued hiatus of the PRC committee with any applicable  revision to its standing charge. 

∙ If we decide to move forward with reinstating PRC, we can present it for approval at spring  meeting in late April 

New Business 

∙ No new business  

∙ Campus was shut down at 1:45 p.m. due to rolling blackouts 

Committee Adjourned at 1:57 pm