LFSA Exec - Minutes - January 10, 2019

LFSA Executive Board Meeting 

January 10, 2019  


Neal Axton, Emily Beran, Sunita Gandhi, Lars Leon, Betsaida Reyes, Marla Schleuder and  Marianne Reed as a guest.  

Lars Calls the Meeting to Order 

Procedural Discussion 

Marianne Reed addresses the body about her objections to having an informational meeting at the  December LFSA meeting. 

Lars apologized that she found the informational meeting objectionable. 

Marianne requests the Code Committee to address this issue and offers to address the Code Committee.

Prior Minutes 

November 13 LFSA minutes approved pending name change. 

Lars suggests changing the last paragraph to be the Mary Anne Baker and Jocelyn Wehr (no longer at  KU).  


Discussion of marketing, Neal suggests logo and elevator speech. 

Several positions are being posted, so we will need a Staff Luncheon. When do we want to hold another  Staff Luncheon? 

Since faculty and staff read the Dean's Update regularly, perhaps we could add some useful links or a  footer to the Dean's Update.  

Suggestion to Contact Gabriella or Courtney in OCA about including link to LFSA website and to Green  Team update in the Dean's Update. 

Staff Development Day 

March 13 is Staff Development Day. Next LSA meeting is next Monday. 

Other Committee Business 

Emily Beran will not be able to attend the S&B Meetings. Another liaison could be appointed.