LFSA Exec - Minutes - November 13, 2018

LFSA Executive Board Meeting 

Nov. 13, 2018 


Neal Axton, Emily Beran, Lars Leon, Betsaida Reyes and Marla Schleuder

Meeting is called to Order. 


Prior minutes (11 Oct 2018) approved with two minor edits. 

Upcoming Events 

LSA Executive Board is meeting with Dean Smith tomorrow and then as a group soon to plan LSA  Assembly in late November. 

Committee Updates 

Committee on Research and Scholarly Activity (CRSA) - Mesha Hayes has resigned, so she will need to be  replaced, timing issue may be important. 

LFSA Assembly has not been scheduled for this semester, potentially Dec. 5th as the Holiday Party is  Dec. 6th. 

Salary and Benefits (S&B) is set to meet again in the last week of November. Emily cannot attend. 

S&B can share unadjusted salary information at the LFSA Assembly and then if they are ready, share  models for adjusting the data. 

Discussion of Library Committee to Faculty and Staff Senate. Mary Ann and Jocelyn have served for two  years already, so we will hold elections for this role during the next election cycle.