LFSA Exec - Minutes - November 13, 2017

LFSA Committee Meeting  

2:30-3:30pm, Monday, November 13, 2017 



Executive Board Members: Leah Hallstrom, Emily Beran, Karna Younger, Andi Back, Marla Schleuder,  and Lars Leon  


Brian Moss 


1. Minutes approved 

2. Liaison Reports: 

No meetings from other library governance committees had been held since the last LFSA  meeting. 

3. LFA and LSA Reports: 

--LFA: The fall assembly was held October 12 , 2017. Chris Brown, Vice Provost for Faculty  Development, spoke about faculty development at KU. 

--LSA: Discussion about reviving the staff professional development day is underway and has  been approved by Dean Kevin Smith, who agreed to fund lunch. Possibly a staff development  day will be held in the spring 2018. 

4. Communications working group: 

There is currently an active survey that has been sent out to all LFSA members to gather  feedback related to thoughts about library governance. Brian Moss shared that there are similar  concerns in Staff Senate about how to communicate the importance of service for university  staff. 

5. Adjourned