LFSA Exec - Minutes - August 4, 2016

August 4, 2016 

LFSA Special Charges and Committee Appointments (second meeting) 


Sara Morris, Marianne Reed, Leah Nelson, Karna Younger, Greta Kliewer

The group discussed formulation of special charges for LFSA standing Committees 

Nominating & Ballot 

- Special charge: Document the process for sending ballots via Qualtrics for future committee  members. 

Committee on the Code 

- No special charges since they will likely have to make changes to the Code in the coming year. 


- There was some discussion of whether it needed to be clarified in LRF guidelines that applicants  need to re-apply if they become unable to spend funds before the end of the fiscal year, even if  they were approved for funds. The group determined this was clear enough in the guidelines,  and that it was unnecessary to create a special charge around this issue. The two following  special charges were formulated: 

o That CRSA send out a regular status update (quarterly or more frequently) to KULIB-L  indicating the amount of LRF funds that remain available. 

o That CRSA update the LRF guidelines to include a procedure for CRSA members to  recuse themselves from reviewing/deciding on their own applications.  

Planning & Resources 

- Still on hiatus 

Salaries & Benefits 

- First meeting is scheduled for August 23. The group decided to have the new committee meet  and discuss the special report from last year, and determine any action items that may come out  of that, among other issues outlined below. LFSA Exec expressed encouragement to examine  potential changes to the group’s standing charge as a result of this discussion. 

- Special charge: Examine report and determine a plan for items that can be acted on. Tie in with  university governance committees who deal with salaries and benefits, and draw on library  representatives on these committees. Come up with programming for Libraries staff regarding  salaries and benefits. 

At the first meeting of each of these committees, the group will need to select a committee chair and  secretary. Liaisons to notify committee members that they should send any meeting minutes to LFSA  secretary to update the website (OneDrive in the interim). Sara to send e-mail notifying KULIB-L that  minutes can be provided upon request. 

New Business 

- Need to work on getting the Code into KU’s policy library now that we have a contact in the  admin office (Mike Broadwell). Sara, Marianne and Mike to work on developing a procedure for  future documents since there will likely be more added this year. 

- Sarah and Marianne to meet with Sarah Couch first, and fill out a draft form. Then, meet with  Mike to go over the procedure for future documents.

Action Items 

- Committee liaisons to schedule first meetings with committees 

- Committee liaisons to notify incoming committees that a chair and secretary will be selected at  the first meeting, and that meeting minutes should be sent to LFSA secretary 

- Sara to send an e-mail to KULIB-L notifying LFSA that minutes from LFSA/LFA/LSA Exec meetings  can be provided upon request until website is functioning 

- Sara and Marianne to meet with Sarah Couch to fill out a draft form for uploading the Code - Leah to schedule a meeting for Sara, Mike and Marianne to talk through form for uploading  Code into policy library 

- Karna to notify LFSA Exec if another meeting to discuss Salaries and Benefits special charges is  necessary after the committee meets for the first time