LFA Exec - Minutes - February 22, 2022

Library Faculty Assembly Executive Meeting 

Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 9 am via Microsoft Teams 


  • LFA Executive Members: Angie Rathmel, Scott McEathron, Sara Morris, Erin Wolfe, Deborah Dandridge, and Lea Currie 

  • Angie called the meeting to order at 9:02. 

  • Minutes from the January 1, 2022 meeting were approved.  

Old Business 

  • The Committee reviewed the form and discussed its purpose. Suggested a button (option) when a user does not know which committee they need to contact and potentially new language at the top. 

  • Report from Chair and Vice-Chair meeting with the Dean  

  • Angie reported that Cabinet will look at the evaluation plan to make changes for 2022. Kevin provided an update on the Governor’s budget. In a conversation concerning over burden of work, Kevin said that hiring should help with this. Angie presented tools that could help analyze/evaluate workloads to potentially determine what individuals can stop doing. Two of these were root cause analysis (5 Whys & Fishbone) and the other was a Stop Keep Start Feedback evaluation. Angie will follow up to see if these ideas will be taken to Cabinet. In another discussion about trying to encourage people to participate in Governance, there was discussion about providing stipends. This is not something Kevin is inclined to support because of various equity issues. One suggestion from LFA Exec’s discussion was for Cabinet sponsor and award for Service. Angie also reported that she mentioned a need for better planning for essential services/employees when there is not enough labor (weather/health). The committee discussed this at length. 

  • Suggestions for Code re: recusal 

  • The Committee reviewed some suggestions to change the Code so that individuals who supervise/mentor/mentee. Angie will check with Mike about some EEOC issues. Angie will then forward the already started suggestions to the Committee on the Code.  

New Business 

  • The Committee discussed the current Faculty Evaluation Plan and if there is a need to review it and how this has happened in the past. Angie and Scott will remind Kevin at their next meeting that any changes to the Faculty Evaluation Plan must be approved by the LFA.  

  • Adjournment  

  • The meeting adjourned at 10:08. 

Submitted by Sara E. Morris