LFA Exec - Minutes - October 22, 2020


3 pm Thurs., Oct. 22, 2020


Present: Brian Rosenblum (chair), Scott McEathron (librarian), Elspeth Healey (associate librarian), Karna Younger (secretary), L.Marie Avila (assistant librarian)

Absent: Angela Rathmel (vice-chair)


  1. Approve prior meeting minutes
  2. Update from LFA chair/vice-chair meeting with the KUL dean
  3. Planning LFA fall general assembly



  1. Minutes from Oct. 3, 2020, executive meeting approved by unanimous consent
  2. LFA meeting with the KUL dean
    1. Brian was unable to attend but Angie was able to and provided Brian with notes from the conversation. Lars Leon attended the meeting as well.
    2. Angie asked the dean about the COVID-19 impact statements being requested during promotion and tenure review.
      1. The dean had not yet heard about this, felt process covers this well enough, including Chris Brown's suggestion to evaluate at point of discrepancy, and should be something to consider not just for COVID-19 but for more general impact concerns.
    3. Student input in library governance
      1. The dean believes student representation on LFSA would be adequate
    4. Hiring plan
      1. Listed five position
        1. Special Collection Cataloging Coordinator (3x advertised)
        2. Research & Learning STEM
        3. Content Development Humanities and African American Studies
        4. Hispan/Latin-X Archivist (once advertised)
        5. Special Collections librarian (VSIP)
    5. Dean’s meeting with the provost discussed
      1. Watson Centennial Celebration
      2. Need to identify funding sources, timing good for next KU campaign.
      3. Kevin attended Association of Research Libraries fall meeting and shared back speaker Barbara Sneider, Association of American University, who spoke of the library as place and a need for more open research output and data/data management.
    6. KUL contemplating joining a class-action copyright lawsuit about publisher price fixing


  1. LFA fall general assembly planning
    1. Proposed agenda
      1. Approve prior minutes
      2. Dean’s address
      3. LFA chair update
        1. University Senate Libraries Committee
        2. Web manager update
          1. Reminder to turn in minutes within two weeks of approval
      4. Committee reports
        1. LFA committees
        2. University committees
      5. General discussion topics
        1. COVID-19 statements for promotion and tenure (Michael Peper)
      6. New business
        1. Brian will send out save the date to the greater assembly
        2. Brian will contact Kevin Smith about topic suggestions for the dean’s address
          1. Hiring plan
          2. Budget
          3. Potential class-action lawsuit
          4. Brian reported on attending the University Senate Libraries Committee
        3. Executive briefly discussed the committee’s special charge to provide a list of specific journal cancellations
        4. Brian reported the question of equity issues of author representation in library databases
  2. Meeting adjourned by unanimous consent at 3:47 pm.