LFA Exec - Minutes - October 8, 2020


3 pm Thurs., Oct. 8, 2020



Present: Brian Rosenblum (chair), Scott McEathron (librarian), Elspeth Healey (associate librarian), Karna Younger (secretary)

Absent: Angela Rathmel (vice-chair), L. Marie Avila (assistant librarian)


  1. Approve minutes from September 24 meeting
  2. Library web manager update
  3. Planning for fall general assembly meeting
  4. Other new business


  1. Minutes approved from Sept. 24 meeting by unanimous consent.
  2. Library web manager update
    • Members of LFSA executive met with Michelle Curttright to discuss her new role as web manager for LFSA.
  3. LFSA update
    • All subcommittees are now full.
  4. Planning for fall general assembly meeting
    • Possible agenda items
      1. COVID-19 statement for faculty reviews and promotion and tenure files
      2. Provide update on LFSA web manager position
      3. Update from the Dean of Libraries
      4. Approval of the previous minutes
      5. Introduction of new colleagues
      6. Committee reports
      7. Brian and Karna will coordinate scheduling meeting with Gaby, the dean’s assistant, and Lars Leon, who has a master calendar of regular meetings.
  5. Sabbatical Leave and Post-Tenure Review Committee is reviewing one sabbatical application
  6. Meeting adjourned at 4 pm by unanimous consent.